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Verilog Compact Summary

This is not intended as a tutorial. This is a quick reference
guide to find the statement or statement syntax you need
to write Verilog code. Based on IEEE Standard Verilog Hardware
Description Language IEEE Std. 1364-2001

Clause 5.1 page 64 of the Standard says:
"Although the Verilog HDL is used for more than just simulation,
 the semantics of the language are defined for simulation,
 and everything else is abstracted from this base definition."

CAUTION: This information is based on the IEEE standard.
Most constructs have been tested on some Verilog compiler, but
no compiler, yet, handles the complete standard language.
You may not be able to use some features on a specific compiler.

Note: many error prone shortcuts have been intentionally omitted.

  Verilog is case sensitive

  identifiers: start with a letter or underscore "_"
               contain letters, numbers, "_" and dollar sign "$"
               may contain any non-whitespace escaped character \

  comments: //  (slash slash) makes the remainder of the line a comment


  • Design Structures
  • Sequential Statements (procedural, behavioral)
  • Concurrent Statements (parallel)
  • Types and Constants
  • Declaration Statements
  • Delays and Events
  • Reserved Words (key words)
  • Operators and Special Characters
  • System Tasks and Functions
  • Compiler Directives
  • Other Links
  • Notation used in this Compact Summary

      Each item has:
              a very brief explanation of possible use.
              a representative, possibly not complete, syntax schema
              one or more samples of actual Verilog code.
      In the syntax statement  <stuff>  means zero or one copy of "stuff".
      In some cases "optional" is used to not clutter up the syntax.
      Reserved words are shown in bold face type.
      In the examples, assume the appropriate declarations for identifiers,
      appropriate enclosing design unit and appropriate context clauses.
      The classic example of a test program for any language is "Hello"
      The file  hello.v  contains:
      // hello.v
      module hello;
            $display("Hello Verilog");
      endmodule // hello
      The command line or graphical user interface to run Verilog
      is different for every compiler. You have to get that
      information some where else.

    Verilog Design Structures

    A structure may be the entire file or there may be more than
    one structure in a file. No less than a structure may be
    in a file.

    Verilog Design Structures

  • file structure
  • module structure
  • primitive structure
  • configuration structure
  • specify structure
  • file structure

    File Structure
      <compiler directives>
      module ...        // zero or more module definitions
        <module contents>
      macromodule ...   // zero or more macromodule definitions
        <macromodule contents>
      primitive ...     // zero or more primitive definitions
        <primitive contents>
      config ...       // optional configuration specification
        <configuration statements>

    module structure

    The top of every design hierarchy must be a module.
    The module that is never instantiated is the top of the design.
    The module structure defines the interface and the design.
    Module Structure (same for macromodule)
      module module_name(<port_name_list>); // (<port_name_list>) is optional
        input <some_port_names>;            // any port names that are inputs
        output <some_port_names>;           // any port names that are outputs
        inout <some_port_names>;            // any port names that are both
        <parameters>                        // optional parameters and overrides
        <specify block>                     // optional specify block
        <declarations>                      // optional variable declarations and
                                            // optional net declarations
        <function definitions>              // optional function definitions
        <task definitions>                  // optional task definitions
        <parallel statements>               // optional module instantiations
                                            // and parallel statements
        initial                             // zero or more initial blocks
            <sequential statements>
        always                              // zero or more always blocks
            <sequential statements>
      endmodule // identifier               // physical end of module
      // add32.v  verilog 32 bit adder (Verilog 2001 style)
      module adder(input  [31:0] a,     // a input
                   input  [31:0] b,     // b input
                   input         cin,   // carry-in
                   output [31:0] sum,   // sum output
                   output        cout);  // carry-out
        parameter d=2;
        assign #d {cout, sum} = a + b + cin; // after d units of time
      endmodule // adder
      // add32.v  verilog 32 bit adder (pre Verilog 2001 style)
      module adder(a, b, cin, sum, cout);
        parameter d=2;
        input  [31:0] a;     // a input
        input  [31:0] b;     // b input
        input         cin;   // carry-in
        output [31:0] sum;   // sum output
        output        cout;  // carry-out
        assign #d {cout, sum} = a + b + cin; // after d units of time
      endmodule // adder

    primitive structure

    Also called UDP, for User Defined Primitive.
      primitive identifier(<parameters>); 
        output <output identifier> ;
        input  <input identifier list> ;
          <input to output transition table>
      endprimitive // identifier
      Output symbols:      0, 1, x, X
      Input level symbols: 0, 1, x, X, b, B, ?
      Input edge symbols:  f, F, n, N, p, P, r, R, *
      primitive mux(out, ctrl, in1, in2); // sample primitive definition
        output out;
        input  ctrl, in1, in2;
        table // ctrl in1 in2 : out
                  0    1   ?  :  1;
                  0    0   ?  :  0;
                  1    ?   0  :  0;
                  1    ?   1  :  1;
                  x    0   0  :  0;
                  x    1   1  :  1;
                  // other cases output x
      endprimitive // mux

    configuration structure

      config  identifier;
         [ declarations , see allowed list below ]   -- optional
         [ statements , see allowed list below ]  
      endconfig   // identifier  

    specify structure

      specify  identifier;
         [ declarations , see allowed list below ]   -- optional
         [ statements , see allowed list below ]  
      endspecify   // identifier  

    Verilog Sequential Statements

    These behavioral statements are for use in:
    initial block, always block, task, function

    Sequential Statements

  • if statement
  • case statement
  • for statement
  • repeat statement
  • while statement
  • forever statement
  • unnamed block statement
  • fork - join statements
  • wait statement
  • event triggered statement
  • delay statement
  • disable statement
  • assign - deassign statements
  • force - release statements
  • if statement

    Conditional execution of sequential statements
      if(a > max && b == 0)
          max = a;
          b = a-1;
      else if(<condition2>)
      //                 any number of optional  "else if" clauses
      else               // optional "else" clause
      if(a < 5)  // only execute the statements for the first true condition
          a = a+5;
          b = a/c;
      else if(a < 10)
          a = a-5;
          c = b/a;
      else if(b != a)
          b = a;
          c = c/2;
        begin  // execute only if none of the conditions above are true
          b = 0;
          c = 0;

    case statement

    Execute the selected sequential statements
      case(<expression>) // or  casex  or  casez  for == accepting x or z
        <expression1> : <statement>
        <expression2> : begin
        <expression3>,             // note comma
        <expression4>: <statement> // for both expression==expression3
                                   // and expression==expression4
        default : <statement>      // optional

    for statement

    Iteration statement 
      semantics:  var = initial_expression
                  exit loop if condition false (zero)
                  execute statements
                  var = update_expression
                  jump to exit loop test
      for(var=initial_expression ; condition; var=update_expression)
      for(i=1 ; i<=10; i=i+1)
        A[i] = B[i-1];
        B[i-1] = B[i-1]*2 + i;

    repeat statement

      repeat(<count>)  // block of statements repeated <count> times

    while statement

      while(<condition>)  // block of statements repeated while <condition> is true

    forever statement

      forever  // loop forever

    unnamed block statement

      begin         // just an unnamed sequential block
        <statements> // executed sequentially

    fork - join statements

        <statements> // executed in parallel
      join           // wait until all statements finish
        begin        // block of statements executing in parallel
        begin        // any number of parallel blocks
      join          // wait until all blocks have finished

    wait statement

    Cause execution of sequential statements to wait.
      wait(<condition>) #(<optional_delay) <statement>
      wait(<condition>)  // waits for condition to become true (non-zero)

    event triggered statement

    Cause a sequential statement or block to execute when <some_event> occurs
      @(<some_event>) <statement>
      @(negedge clock) a_out = a-in;
      @(posedge reset)
          clear_reg = 1;
          running = 0;

    delay statement

      "#20;"  // delay 20 time units

    disable statement


    assign - deassign statements


    force - release statements


    Verilog Concurrent Statements

    These statements are for use in ???.

    Concurrent Statements

  • block statement
  • process statement
  • concurrent procedure call statement
  • concurrent assertion statement
  • concurrent signal assignment statement
  • conditional signal assignment statement
  • selected signal assignment statement
  • component instantiation statement
  • generate statement
  • block statement

    Used to group concurrent statements, possibly hierarchically.
      label : block [ ( guard expression ) ] [ is ]
                 [ generic clause [ generic map aspect ; ] ]
                 [ port clause [ port map aspect ; ] ]
                 [ block declarative items ]
                 concurrent statements
              end block [ label ] ;
      clump : block
                A <= B or C;
                D <= B and not C;
              end block clump ;
      maybe : block ( B´stable(5 ns) ) is
                 port (A, B, C : inout std_logic );
                 port map ( A => S1, B => S2, C => outp );
                 constant delay: time := 2 ns;
                 signal temp: std_logic;
                 temp <= A xor B after delay;
                 C <= temp nor B;
              end block maybe; 

    Verilog Types and Constants

    The type names below are automatically defined.
    The types are reserved words thus you can not re-define them.
    Users can augment predefied type with modifiers, vectors and arrays.
    See Verilog Declarations for how to
    declare identifiers.

    Types and Constants

  • value set
  • net data types
  • variable data types
  • constants
  • vectors
  • arrays
  • value set

    Beware of automatic type conversion. You may get a surprise.
    The value set for Verilog is:
       0 - represents number zero, logic zero, logical false
       1 - represents number one,  logic one,  logical true
       x - represents an unknown logic value
       z - represents high impedance logic value
       most data types can store all four values.

    net data types

    There are two groups of types, "net data types" and "variable data types."
    An identifier of "net data type" means that it must be driven. The
    value changes when the driver changes value. These identifiers
    basically represent wires and are used to connect components.
    "net data types" are: wire, supply0, supply1, tri, triand, trior,
    tri0, tri1, wand, wor
    "net data types" can have strength modifiers: supply0, supply1,
    strong0, strong1, pull0, pull1, weak0, weak1,
    highz0, highz1, small, medium, large.
    some "net data types" can take modifiers: signed, vectored, scalared.

    variable data types

    There are two groups of types, "net data types" and "variable data types."
    An identifier of "variable data type" means that it changes value upon
    assignment and holds its value until another assignment. This is a
    traditional programming language variable and is used in sequential
    "variable data types" are: integer, real, realtime, reg, time.
    integer is typically a 32 bit twos complement integer.
    real is typically a 64 bit IEEE floating point number.
    realtime is of type real used for storing time as
             a floating point value. 
    reg is by default a one bit unsigned value.
        The reg variable data type may have a modifier signed,
        and may have may bits by using the vector modifier [msb:lsb].
    time is typically 64 bit unsigned value that is the simulation time
         The system function  $time  provides the simulation time.


      integer  3  123456  -7 
      real  1.0  0.1  123e-5  123.0E-5  -5.2   per IEEE 754-1985
                                               typically 64 bit
      string   "a string"  constant string, no extra characters, no terminator,
                           may be stored into almost any type.
                           There is no type 'char' or 'string'.
      specifying radix and special values
        The general structure is:  width´radix value
        width is integer, automatic extension to 16 bits
        radix is d or D for integer (optional)
                 h or H for hexadecimal
                 o or O for octal
                 b or B for bit
                 ´h ff  is 00ff hex // default 16 bit
               16´h ff  is 00ff hex
                1´b 1   or just 1
                1´b 0   or just 0
                1´b x   needed for x unknown (not just 'x')
                1´b z   needed for z high impedance
               32´H 0XZ1FABX  hexadecimal 32 bits in four bit groups
                8´B 0110_1100  binary 01101100 8-bits
                4´b 10xz       four bits 10XZ
               18´o 777777    octal, 18 bits of ones
                7´d 123       just decimal 123 with length 7


    Vectors are are multiple bit types. The next section covers arrays
    that create multiple entries including arrays of vectors.
    The "net data types" and the one variable type reg are by
    default one bit in length and by default unsigned. 
    wire will be used as representing all "net data types".
    wire[31:0]  is a vector type having 32 bits with the
                       most significant bit numbered 31 and the
                       least significant bit numbered zero. This
                       type denotes 32 wires.
    A declaration:
      wire[31:0] a;  declares a to be 32 wires.
                            just 'a' is all 32 wires,
                            a[31] is the most significant bit
                            a[0]  is the least significant bit
                            a[15:8] is eight wires, bits 15 to 8 of 'a'
      wire[1:12]  is a vector type having 12 bits with the
                         most significant bit numbered 1 and the
                         least significant bit numbered 12. This
                         type denotes 12 wires that can connect
      reg[-10:10] is a vector type having 21 bits with a
                         most significant bit -10 and a least
                         significant bit 10. This is a variable
                         that can be assigned values.
      reg signed [7:0] is a vector type for values
                       from -128 to +127. In other words
                       two´s complement values.


    Arrays apply to identifiers. Identifiers have a type as covered in
    the previous section.
      type identifier array-definition; is the form used to define an array.
      integer a[1:10];  is a typical array of integers
                        a[1] is the first element, a[10] is the last element.
      reg[31:0] mema[0:4095]; is a typical memory, 4096 words of 32 bits
                              per word.
                              mema[2] is the third word in memory
                              mema[2][31] is the most significant bit
                              of the third word in memory.
      real matrix[1:20][1:20]; is a two dimensional array of real values.
                               access as  matrix[i][j]
      wire[7:0] vid_mem[1:3][799:0][599:0];  3D organized bytes
                                  access as  vid_mem[rgb][horiz][vert]
                                  to wire memory bytes to components.
                                  Typically using the generate capability.
    Restriction: You can not access an entire array. You can not access
    a slice of an array. e.g.  a[3:5] is illegal.

    Verilog Declaration Statements

    Various declarations may be used in various structures.

    Declaration Statements

  • incomplete type declaration
  • incomplete type declaration

    Declare an identifier to be a type.
    The full type definition must be provided within this scope.
     type identifier ;
     type node ;

    Verilog Delays and Events


  • Delays
  • Events
  • Delays

    Typical uses of delay
       #20;  // delay 20 time units
       #10 <statement> // the statement execution takes 10 time units 
                      // (blocking, next statement waits the 10 time units)
       #10 var <= expression; // non blocking statement, var takes 10 time units
                             // to update but next statement proceeds with no delay
       #(12.5 : 15 : 18.2) <statement> // minimum : typical : maximum time units
       #(12.5 : 15 ; 18.2 , 15.2 : 20.1 : 30) <statement>
      //rising times, falling times  each minimum : typical : maximum
       #(3:4:5 ; 4:5:6 ; 5:6:7) <statement>
      //rising times; falling times; transport times  each having
        minimum : typical : maximum
      and #5 (out, in1, in2, ...);  // delay from input to output
      and #(5,6) (out, in1, in2, ...); // rising and falling delay
      and #(4:5:6) (out, in1, in2, ...); // min : typical : max delay
      and #(4:5:6 , 5:6:7) (out, in1, in2, ...); // min:typ:max on rise and fall
      buf #(4, 5 , 10) (out, in); // rising, falling, and transport delay
      buf #(4:5:6 , 5:6:7 , 6:7:8) (out, in); // full timing specification
      //rising times; falling times; transport times  each having
        minimum : typical : maximum


    Event triggers are of the form:
     @event_identifier  statement;   // trigger on event_identifier
     @(event_expression)  statement; // trigger on event_expression
     @*  statement;                  // trigger on any change
     @(*)  statement;                // trigger on input change
    Typical examples of event triggering
      always @reset_event  // assumes a declaration   event reset_event;
        begin              // triggered upon          a -> reset_event;
          <statements to reset the circuit>
      always @(posedge clear or negedge clk or reset_event)
          <statements to be executed>
      always @*  // same as @(a or b or c or x)
          a = b + c;
          d = a - funct(x);
      always @(*)  // same as @(b or c or x)
          a = b + c;
          d = a - funct(x);

    Verilog Reserved Words (key words)

    always         starts an  always begin ... end  sequential code block
    and            gate primitive, and
    assign         parallel continuous assignment
    automatic      a function attribute, basically reentrant and recursive
    begin          starts a block that ends with  end (no semicolon)
    buf            gate primitive, buffer
    bufif0         gate primitive, buffer if control==0
    bufif1         gate primitive, buffer if control==1
    case           starts a case statement
    casex          starts a case statement where x matches
    casez          starts a case statement where z matches
    cell           library, cell identifier, in configuration
    cmos           switch primitive, cmos
    config         starts a configuration
    deassign       stops the corresponding  assign  from accepting new values
    default        optional last clause in a case statement
    defparam       used to over-ride parameter values
    design         top level module, in configuration
    disable        a task or block
    edge           edge control specifier
    else           execute if no previous clause was true
    end            end of a block, paired with a begin
    endcase        end of a case statement
    endconfig      end of a configuration
    endfunction    end of a function definition
    endgenerate    end of a generate
    endmodule      end of a module definition
    endprimitive   end of a primitive definition
    endspecify     end of a specify
    endtable       end of a table definition
    endtask        end of a task definition
    event          data type
    for            starts a for statement
    force          starts net or variable assignment
    forever        starts a loop statement
    fork           begin parallel execution of sequential code
    function       starts a function definition
    generate       starts a generate block
    genvar         defines a generate variable
    highz0         drive strength 0
    highz1         drive strength 0
    if             starts an  if  statement, if(condition) ...
    ifnone         state dependent path declaration
    incdir         file path for library
    include        include file specification
    initial        starts an initial begin ... end sequential block
    inout          declares a port name to be both input and output
    input          declares a port name to be input
    instance       specify instance name, in configuration
    integer        variable data type, 32 bit integer
    join           end of a parallel fork
    large          charge strength, 4, of trireg
    liblist        library search order for modules, in configuration
    library        location of modules, libraries and files
    localparam     starts a local parameter statement, not over-ridden
    macromodule    same as module with possibly extra meanings  
    medium         charge strength, 2, of trireg
    module         begin a module definition, also called a cell or component
    nand           gate primitive, nand
    negedge        event expression, negative edge
    nmos           switch primitive, nmos
    nor            gate primitive, nor
    noshowcancelledno report trailing edge precedes leading edge, in specify
    not            gate primitive, not
    notif0         gate primitive, not if control==0
    notif1         gate primitive, not if control==1
    or             gate primitive, or
    output         declares a port name to be an output
    parameter      starts a parameter statement
    pmos           switch primitive, pmos
    posedge        event expression, positive edge
    primitive      starts the definition of a primitive module
    pull0          drive strength 5
    pull1          drive strength 5
    pulldown       gate primitive
    pullup         gate primitive
    pulsestyle_oneventglitch detection, in specify
    pulsestyle_ondetectglitch detection, immediate change to x, in specify
    remos          switch primitive, remos
    real           variable data type, implementation defined floating point
    realtime       variable data type, floating point time
    reg            variable data type, starts a declaration of name(s)
    release        release a forced net or variable assignment
    repeat         starts a loop statement
    rnmos          switch primitive, rnmos
    rpmos          switch primitive, rpmos
    rtran          bidirectional switch primitive, rtran
    rtranif0       bidirectional switch primitive, rtranif0
    rtranif1       bidirectional switch primitive, rtranif1
    scalared       property of a vector type
    showcancelled  report trailing edge precedes leading edge, in specify
    signed         type modifier, reg signed
    small          charge strength, 1,  of trireg
    specify        starts a specify block
    specparam      starts a parameter statement for timing delays
    strong0        drive strength 6
    strong1        drive strength 6
    supply0        net data type, and drive strength 7
    supply1        net data type, and drive strength 7
    table          start a table definition in a primitive
    task           starts a task definition
    time           variable data type, 64 bit integer
    tran           bidirectional switch primitive, tran
    tranif0        bidirectional switch primitive, tranif0
    tranif1        bidirectional switch primitive, tranif1
    tri            net data type
    tri0           net data type, connected to VSS
    tri1           net data type, connected to VDD
    triand         net data type, tri state wired and
    trior          net data type, tri state wired or
    trireg         register data type associates capacitance to the net
    unsigned       type modifier, unsigned
    use            library, cell identifier, in configuration
    vectored       property of a vector type
    wait           starts a wait statement
    wand           net data type, wired and
    weak0          drive strength 3
    weak1          drive strength 3
    while          starts a sequential looping statement, while(condition) 
    wire           net data type, a basic wire connection
    wor            net data type, wired or
    xnor           gate primitive, xnor not of exclusive or
    xor            gate primitive, xor exclusive or
    "net data type" means it starts a declaration of name(s) that must be driven
    "variable data" means it starts a declaration of name(s) that hold values

    Verilog Operators and Special Characters

    +    addition
    -    subtraction
    *    multiplication
    /    division
    **   exponentiation
    %    modulus
    >    greater than relation         // relations are 0 if false
    <    less than relation            // 1 if true and possibly x
    >=   grater than or equal relation
    <=   less than or equal relation
    ==   logical equality relation 
    !=   logical inequality relation
    ===  case equality   // x must match x, z must match z
    !==  case not equal  // comparison is made bit-wise
    &&   logical and
    ||   logical or
    !    logical negation
    &    bit-wise and (also unary reduction and)
    ~&   unary reduction nand
    |    bit-wise or (also unary reduction or, event or)
    ~|   reduction nor
    ^    bit-wise exclusive or (unary reduction xor)
    ~^   bit-wise equivalence (^~) (also unary reduction xnor)
    ~    bit-wise complement 
    >>   bit-wise logical right shift
    <<   bit-wise logical left shift
    >>>  bit-wise arithmetic right shift
    <<<  bit-wise arithmetic left shift
    ? :  condition ? value-if-true : value-if-false
    ?    compare equal on this bit
    *    compare equal on group of bits
    =    substitution
    <=   non blocking substitution
    :    separator
    ,    separator
    .    selector  .parameter(actual)  module_name.local_name  
    ;    statement terminator
    ( )  grouping parenthesis, module instantiation, function and task call
    [ ]  subscript, range as in [31:0]
    { }  concatenation
    " "  pair of quotes around strings
    @    event control
    `    compiler directive
    $    system task and functions
    /*   start comment
    */   end comment
    //   start comment to end of line
    (*   start non simulation attribute
    *)   end non simulation attribute
    '    constant  width'radix value  base is b B d D h H o O 
    %    format indication b B c C d D e E f F g G h H l L m M o O
                               s S t T u U v V z Z  %10.5E  %0d
    \    escape sequences, quoted characters in strings \n \t \\ \" \ddd %%

    Verilog System Tasks and Functions

    $display("<format>", exp1, exp2, ...);  // formatted write to display
      format indication %b %B binary
                        %c %C character (low 8 bits)
                        %d %D decimal  %0d for minimum width field
                        %e %E E format floating point %15.7E
                        %f %F F format floating point %9.7F
                        %g %G G general format floating point
                        %h %H hexadecimal
                        %l %L library binding information
                        %m %M hierarchical name, no expression
                        %o %O octal
                        %s %S string, 8 bits per character, 2´h00 does not print
                        %t %T simulation time, expression is  $time
                        %u %U unformatted two value data  0 and 1 
                        %v %V net signal strength
                        %z %Z unformatted four value data  0, 1, x, z
      escape sequences, quoted characters in strings \n   newline
                                                     \t   tab
                                                     \\   backslash
                                                     \"   quote
                                                     \ddd octal
                                                     %%   percent
      any other characters between the quotes are displayed
      the expressions are taken in order of the format indication
      ,, in the expression list inserts one space in the output
    $write     // same as $display except no automatic insertion of newline
    $strobe    // same as $display except waits until all events finished
    $monitor   // same as $display except only displays if an expression changes
    $monitoron // only one $monitor may be active at ant time,
    $monitoroff // turn current $monitor off
    $displayb  // same as $display using binary as default format
    $writeb    // same as $write using binary as default format
    $strobeb   // same as $strobe using binary as default format
    $monitorb  // same as $monitor using binary as default format
    $displayo  // same as $display using octal as default format
    $writeo    // same as $write using octal as default format
    $strobeo   // same as $strobe using octal as default format
    $monitoro  // same as $monitor using octal as default format
    $displayh  // same as $display using hexadecimal as default format
    $writeh    // same as $write using hexadecimal as default format
    $strobeh   // same as $strobe using hexadecimal as default format
    $monitorh  // same as $monitor using hexadecimal as default format
    fd = $fopen("<file name>"); // open a file for writing,
                                  // fd is an integer file descriptor
    fd = $fopen("<file name>", file_type); // open a file for file_type action:
                                             // open for reading "r", "rb" binary
                                             // open for writing "w", "wb" binary
                                             // open for append  "a", "ab" binary
                                      // open for read/write "r+", "r+b", "rb+"
                                      // open for write/read "w+", "w+b", "wb+"
                                      // open for append update "a+", "a+b", "ab+"
    $fclose(fd);  // close an opened file
    $frewind(fd); // rewind an opened file
    $fflush(fd);  // flush pending output to an open file
    $fdisplayb  // same as $fdisplay using binary as default format
    $fwriteb    // same as $fwrite using binary as default format
    $swriteb    // same as $swrite using binary as default format
    $fstrobeb   // same as $fstrobe using binary as default format
    $fmonitorb  // same as $fmonitor using binary as default format
    $fdisplayo  // same as $fdisplay using octal as default format
    $fwriteo    // same as $fwrite using octal as default format
    $swriteo    // same as $swrite using octal as default format
    $fstrobeo   // same as $fstrobe using octal as default format
    $fmonitoro  // same as $fmonitor using octal as default format
    $fdisplayh  // same as $fdisplay using hexadecimal as default format
    $fwriteh    // same as $fwrite using hexadecimal as default format
    $swriteh    // same as $swrite using hexadecimal as default format
    $fstrobeh   // same as $fstrobe using hexadecimal as default format
    $fmonitorh  // same as $fmonitor using hexadecimal as default format

    Verilog Compiler Directives

    Compiler directives begin with "`" an accent grave, not an apostrophe
    Some of these would be called preprocessor commands in "C"
    Compilers may add additional compiler directives. They may not be
    portable and may not invoke the same actions. These are from the
    Verilog 2001 Standard.
    `include file_name   // include source code from another file
    `define macro_name macro_code  // substitute macro_code for macro_name
    `define macro_name(par1, par2,...) macro_code  // parameterized macro
    `undef  macro_name             // undefine a macro
    `ifdef  macro_name1    // include source lines1 if macro_name1 is defined
         <source lines1>   // the source lines1
    `elsif macro_name2     // any number of elsif clauses, the first defined
         <source lines2>   // macro_name includes the source lines
      `else                // include source lines3 when no prior macro_name defined
         <source lines3>   // the source lines 3
      `endif               // end the construct
      `ifndef macro_name   // like `ifdef except logic is reversed,
                           // true if macro_name is undefined
      `timescale 1ns/1ns   // units/precision for time  e.g. for %t
      `celldefine          // marks beginning of a cell
      `endcelldefine       // marks end of a cell
      `default_nettype net_type  // sets the default net type for implicit
                                 // net declarations, net_type is one of:
           // wire, tri, tri0, tri1, triand, trior, trireg, wand, wor, none
      `resetall           // reset all directives to default state,
                          // undefine all macros
      `line number "filename" level // over rides the compilers information
      `unconnected_drive pull0  // set unconnected inputs to 0
      `unconnected_drive pull1  // set unconnected inputs to 1
      `nounconnected_drive      // terminates either of the above directives
      `default_decay_time a_time // sets all undefined trireg net decay times,
                                 // a_time is integer, real or infinite
      `default_trireg_strength val // default trireg net strength 0 to 250
      `delay_mode_distributed    // sets distributed delay mode
      `delay_mode_path           // sets path delay mode
      `delay_mode_unit           // sets unit delay mode
      `delay_mode_zero           // sets zero-delay mode

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