|Summary |Design Structures |Sequential Statements |Concurrent Statements |Types and Constants |

|Declarations |Delay, Events |Reserved Words |Operators |System Tasks |Compiler Directives |

Verilog Delays and Events


  • Delays
  • Events
  • Delays

    Typical uses of delay
       #20;  // delay 20 time units
       #10 <statement> // the statement execution takes 10 time units 
                      // (blocking, next statement waits the 10 time units)
       #10 var <= expression; // non blocking statement, var takes 10 time units
                             // to update but next statement proceeds with no delay
       #(12.5 : 15 : 18.2) <statement> // minimum : typical : maximum time units
       #(12.5 : 15 ; 18.2 , 15.2 : 20.1 : 30) <statement>
      //rising times, falling times  each minimum : typical : maximum
       #(3:4:5 ; 4:5:6 ; 5:6:7) <statement>
      //rising times; falling times; transport times  each having
        minimum : typical : maximum
      and #5 (out, in1, in2, ...);  // delay from input to output
      and #(5,6) (out, in1, in2, ...); // rising and falling delay
      and #(4:5:6) (out, in1, in2, ...); // min : typical : max delay
      and #(4:5:6 , 5:6:7) (out, in1, in2, ...); // min:typ:max on rise and fall
      buf #(4, 5 , 10) (out, in); // rising, falling, and transport delay
      buf #(4:5:6 , 5:6:7 , 6:7:8) (out, in); // full timing specification
      //rising times; falling times; transport times  each having
        minimum : typical : maximum


    Event triggers are of the form:
     @event_identifier  statement;   // trigger on event_identifier
     @(event_expression)  statement; // trigger on event_expression
     @*  statement;                  // trigger on any change
     @(*)  statement;                // trigger on input change
    Typical examples of event triggering
      always @reset_event  // assumes a declaration   event reset_event;
        begin              // triggered upon          a -> reset_event;
          <statements to reset the circuit>
      always @(posedge clear or negedge clk or reset_event)
          <statements to be executed>
      always @*  // same as @(a or b or c or x)
          a = b + c;
          d = a - funct(x);
      always @(*)  // same as @(b or c or x)
          a = b + c;
          d = a - funct(x);

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