library math; architecture behavior of sink is begin token_consumer : process is variable number_of_tokens_consumed : natural := 0; variable life_time : real; -- in time_unit variable sum_of_life_times : real := 0.0; -- in time_unit variable sum_of_squares_of_life_times : real := 0.0; --in time_unit**2 use std.textio.all; file info_file : text; variable L : line; use math.math_real.sqrt; procedure write_summary is variable mean_life_time : real := sum_of_life_times / real(number_of_tokens_consumed); variable std_dev_of_life_times : real := sqrt ( ( sum_of_squares_of_life_times - sum_of_life_times**2 / real(number_of_tokens_consumed) ) / real( number_of_tokens_consumed - 1 ) ); begin write(L, string'("Summary information for sink ")); write(L, name); write(L, string'(" up to time ")); write(L, now, unit => time_unit); writeline(info_file, L); write(L, string'(" Number of tokens consumed = ")); write(L, natural(number_of_tokens_consumed)); writeline(info_file, L); write(L, string'(" Mean life_time = ")); write(L, mean_life_time * time_unit, unit => time_unit); writeline(info_file, L); write(L, string'(" Standard deviation of life_times = ")); write(L, std_dev_of_life_times * time_unit, unit => time_unit); writeline(info_file, L); writeline(info_file, L); end procedure write_summary; procedure write_trace is begin write(L, string'("Sink ")); write(L, name); write(L, string'(": at ")); write(L, now, unit => time_unit); write(L, string'(" consumed ")); write(L, in_arc.token, time_unit); writeline(info_file, L); end procedure write_trace; begin file_open(info_file, info_file_name, write_mode); loop wait on info_detail'transaction, in_arc; if info_detail'active and info_detail = summary then write_summary; end if; if in_arc'event then number_of_tokens_consumed := number_of_tokens_consumed + 1; life_time := real( (now - in_arc.token.creation_time) / time_unit ); sum_of_life_times := sum_of_life_times + life_time; sum_of_squares_of_life_times := sum_of_squares_of_life_times + life_time ** 2; if info_detail = trace then write_trace; end if; end if; end loop; end process token_consumer; end architecture behavior;