package bounded_buffer_adt is subtype byte is bit_vector(0 to 7); type bounded_buffer_object; -- private type bounded_buffer is access bounded_buffer_object; function new_bounded_buffer ( size : in positive ) return bounded_buffer; -- creates a bounded buffer object with 'size' bytes of storage procedure test_empty ( variable the_bounded_buffer : in bounded_buffer; is_empty : out boolean ); -- tests whether the bounded buffer is empty (i.e., no data to read) procedure test_full ( variable the_bounded_buffer : in bounded_buffer; is_full : out boolean ); -- tests whether the bounded buffer is full (i.e., no data can be written) procedure write ( the_bounded_buffer : inout bounded_buffer; data : in byte ); -- if the bounded buffer is not full, writes the data -- if it is full, assertion violation with severity failure procedure read ( the_bounded_buffer : inout bounded_buffer; data : out byte ); -- if the bounded buffer is not empty, read the first byte of data -- if it is empty, assertion violation with severity failure -------------------------------------------------- -- the following types are private to the ADT type store_array is array (natural range <>) of byte; type store_ptr is access store_array; type bounded_buffer_object is record byte_count : natural; head_index, tail_index : natural; store : store_ptr; end record bounded_buffer_object; end package bounded_buffer_adt;