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Since the router is a separate process from the application, it is necessary to have a programming interface between the application and the router. This application program interface (API) is called a KRIL (KQML Router Interface Library). While the router is a separate process, with no understanding of the content field of the KQML message, the KRIL API is embedded in the application and has access to the application's tools for analyzing the content. While there is only one piece of router code, which is instantiated for each process, there can be various KRILs, one for each application type and one for each application language. The general goal of the KRIL is to make access to the router as simple as possible for the programmer.

To this end, a KRIL can be as tightly embedded in the application, or even the application's programming language, as is desirable. For example, an early implementation of KQML featured a KRIL for the Prolog language which had only a simple declarative interface for the programmer. During the operation of the Prolog interpreter, whenever the Prolog database was searched for predicates, the KRIL would intercept the search; determine if the desired predicates were actually being supplied by a remote agent; formulate and pose an appropriate KQML query; and return the replies to the Prolog interpreter as though they were recovered from the internal database. The Prolog program itself contained no mention of the distributed processing going on except for the declaration of which predicates were to be treated as remote predicates.

It is not necessary to completely embed the KRIL in the application's programming language. A simple KRIL generally provides two programmatic entries. For initiating a transaction there is a send-kqml-message function. This accepts a message content and as much information about the message and its destination as can be provided and returns either the remote agent's reply (if the message transmission is synchronous and the process blocks until a reply is received) or a simple code signifying the message was sent. For handling incoming asynchronous messages, there is usually a declare-message-handler function. This allows the application programmer to declare which functions should be invoked when messages arrive. Depending on the KRILs capabilities, the incoming messages can be sorted according to performative, or topic, or other features, and routed to different message handling functions.

In addition to these programming interfaces, KRILs accept different types of declarations which allow them to register their application with local facilitators and contact remote agents to advise them that they are interested in receiving data from them. Our group has implemented a variety of experimental KRILs, for Common Lisp, C, Prolog, Mosaic, SQL, and other tools.
