FYS 102D

Assignment 3 - Investigating Problems

Part 1 due: by the end of class Thur, 2/17
Part 2 due: by the end of class Tues, 2/22

Part 1 - Choosing Topics 3, 4 & 5

Use your chart from Assignment 1 and any further investigation of the research done here to find 3 topics that you are interested in.
  1. Give the topics, the labs, the investigators, and the title of the paper(s) or poster(s), if any.
  2. Give a one or more paragraph explanation of why each of these topics interest you.
  3. Rank these three topics as first choice, second choice and last choice.
  4. If we have a few students with the same interest, we'll try to find a presenter in that area. Your interests are how we'll choose the remaining presenters.

Part 2 - Investigate 3rd topic

  • This part is to be done as an in-class exercise on Tues, 2/22.
    Our third presentation will be on ?
  • Questions

Thursday, 10-Feb-2011 13:35:06 EST