From Thu May 1 10:00:05 2008 Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 09:59:33 -0400 From: Dr. Alan T. Sherman To: CSEE ALL Subject: [Csee-faculty-lecturer] CSEE Research Review - Instructions for Range Voting Ballots will be provided at the event during the poster session. Results will be announced at the end of the last session. Range Voting for Best Student Posters CSEE Research Review 2008 Instructions. For each poster, assign a score (an integer in the range 0 to 99). Each blank score means "no opinion" and is not counted. Any attendee may submit one ballot. In assigning scores, please consider the following factors: scientific merit, effective poster display, and quality of abstract. Prizes. The authors of the three posters with the highest average scores will win $50 each. However, to win the following quorum requirement must be satisfied: the sum of the scores for a poster must be at least half of the sum for the highest scoring poster. Range Voting. Range Voting permits voters to assign the same score to two or more candidates, and it permits voters to express how strongly they feel. To learn more about range voting, see [ Part 2: "Attached Text" ] _______________________________________________ Csee-faculty-lecturer mailing list