FYS 102D

Assignment 2

Part 1 - Due: Tues, 2/10 before class
Parts 2 & 3 - Tues, 2/10 In-class exercise
Parts 2, 3 & 4 to be turned in by email before class Thur, 2/12

Part 1 - Scientific Papers

Read Sandor Dornbush's StreetSmart paper . We'll be discussing it in class on Tues, 2/10 .

Part 2 - Sources of Information

Examine Sandoor's list of references. His paper has a lot of sources, some of which are standard for this discipline.
  1. What is the ACM ?
  2. What does the acronym "SIG" represent ?
  3. List the current ACM SIGs and give the topic to which each corresponds.
    Hint: There are a lot.
  4. What is IEEE (pronounced I triple E) ?
  5. What is IEEE Transactions ?

Part 3 - Conferences

  1. Where is SIGIR holding their conference this year ?
    When is it being held ?
    How about CIKM; where and when ?
  2. Where is SIGGRAPH holding their conference this year ?
    When is it being held ?
  3. Where is SIGWEB holding their Hypertext 2009 conference this year ?
    When is it being held ?

Part 4 - Prepare for Don Miner's presentation on Swarm Intelligence

  1. Read this webpage about Swarm Intelligence
  2. What are boids ?
  3. Name the three steering behaviors and explain each of them.
  4. What movie was the first to use the boids model ?
    What were the applications of boids in that movie ?
    For those of you who want to know more about swarm intelligence, look at
    "On Ant Colony Optimization" by M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, T. Stutzle
    Ant Colony Optimization-- Artificial Ants as a Computational Intelligence Technique,
    IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 2006.

Wednesday, 26-Jan-2011 11:09:58 EST