CMSC 478 Spring 2022 - Homework 3

Due at 11:30am on March 21st

In this homework you will implement k-means clustering and experiment with different ways of initializing the cluster centroids.

The MNIST dataset is a well-studied collection of handwritten digits. It is often used to test multi-class classification algorithms, where there is one class for each of the 10 digits (0 - 9). In this homework, you will use it for unsupervised clustering.

I've made two files available for you:

Implement the k-means clustering algorithm. You will only use your algorithm for this dataset, so you can hard-wire in the number of instances and the size of each instance. The goal is not to write a generic version of the algorithm (though you can if you wish). The goal is to understand how it works on real data. You will need to try different values of k so that must be a parameter.

After completing the implementation (and testing for correctness, of course), do the following: