UMBC CMSC 421 CSEE | 421 | current 421

CMSC421 -- Written Report (Extra Credit)

You are to prepare a four-page report based on SELinux or how Linux implements one of the Operating System Components (See Chapter 3):

Since any one of these topics can be too huge to get down to four pages, you can focus on a portion of that component, such as the algorithm used for schduling in Process Management, managing free space by the Main Memory Management, etc.

Other requirements

This is due by 18 May.
The file should be ASCII text, without any formatting.
Graphics can be used, but must be submitted in a separate file, all of which have been put in a zip file. (There should be only one item put into the digital dropbox!)

UMBC CMSC 421 CSEE | 421 | current 421