UMBC CSEE Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Baltimore Maryland 21250 USA
voice: 410-455-3500 fax: -3969

List of Commands against which the project will be tested.

In the following list, whenever a filename is a required argument, one will be shown, but when your program is tested, the filename will be different. Also, when using the remote file commands, the file size could be approximately 250,000 bytes (plus or minus). Your program MUST be able to handle any size file. The history command must be able to handle at least 50 commands. There will be no penalty if your version handles more than 50. Also, if UNIX does not allow an operation, mysh does not have to handle it either.

Include the run of them in your typescript file

  1. ls -i
  2. ls ; pwd
  3. pwd > b.txt
  4. wc < b.txt > c.txt
  5. ls -l 
  6. ls -l | wc
  7. ls | wc |sort
  8. pwd ; ls | sort | wc
  9. ls ; ls | wc
  10. rm b.txt
  11. wc c.txt
  12. ls -li ; cc -c <some file> foo.c
  13. cc -c foo.c &
  14. !14
  15. !!
  16. cd ..
  17. cd .. ; cd /etc
  18. cd
  19. remotels
  20. remoteput b.txt
  21. remoteget b.txt
  22. cd ; pwd > b.txt ; cat < c.txt
  23. pwd > b.txt ; ls | wc
  24. ls ; remoteput foo.c ; remotels
  25. date +something
  26. man sh | sort | wc > foo
  27. cd /etc ; pwd ; cd
  28. cd ; cd .. ; pwd
  29. man sh > sh.out ; sort < sh.out > sh.sort &
  30. wc sh.out > sh. count ; remotels ; remoteput sh.count; rm sh.count; ls ; remoteget sh.count ; ls
  31. foo ; cd foo ; pwd; cd ; pwd ; ls
  32. remotels | wc
  33. cp b.txt foo.txt ; remotels | wc ; remoteput foo.txt ; remotels | wc
  34. df
  35. netstat
  36. restartclient
  37. whoami
  38. date
  39. exit
  40. (resart mysh) !!