UMBC CMSC 313 -- Fixing The Size Of Structures Previous | Next

Fixing The Size Of Structures


To get the size of the C structure to match the size of the assembly language version, there is a compiler directive that was suppress the alignment, pack. There will be no extra bytes added to the stucture at all. The syntax is a bit unexpected, but what you are using is actually a macro!

Revised Code


struct foo
    short  a;          /* 2 bytes */
    int    b;          /* 4 bytes */
    char   c;          /* 1 byte  */
    int    d;          /* 4 bytes */
    char   e[ 6 ];     /* 6 bytes */
                       /* Total:  17 bytes, do the math */
} __attribute__((packed));  /* Force the compiler to use the minimum 
                               amount of memory for the structure */

int main ( void )

    struct foo s, t;
    int        num;

    printf( "size of s = %d\n", sizeof( s ) );
    printf( "address of s = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s );
    printf( "    address of s.a = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s.a );
    printf( "    address of s.b = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s.b );
    printf( "    address of s.c = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s.c );
    printf( "    address of s.d = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s.d );
    printf( "    address of s.e = %x\n", (unsigned int)&s.e );
    s.a = -1;
    s.b = 0x12345678;
    s.c = 'A';
    s.d = 1000;
    strcat ( s.e, "abcde" );

    t.b = 3;
    num = s.d * t.b;
    printf( "num = %d\n", num );

    return 0;



[~/courses/umbc/CMSC313/spring05/lectures/Lect10/structures1]$ structures1
size of s = 17
address of s = bfffd9c0
    address of s.a = bfffd9c0
    address of s.b = bfffd9c2
    address of s.c = bfffd9c6
    address of s.d = bfffd9c7
    address of s.e = bfffd9cb
num = 3000

Assembly Language

If you must match the C version (because someone else controls the composition of the struction), we can align the components on a boundary by using the alignb directive. gcc uses all double word boundarys. It is faster and in many cases can save bytes in the executable code.

Revised Code

section .data
struc   mystruct
	a:	resw	1
                alignb  4
	b:	resd	1
                alignb  4
	c:	resb	1
                alignb  4
	d:	resd	1
                alignb  4
	e:	resb	6
                alignb  4

    istruc mystruct
        at a, dw        -1
        at b, dd        0x12345678
        at c, db        ' '
        at d, dd        23
        at e, db        'Gary', 0

mysize: dd     $ - struct
msg:    db     'Size of struct is %d', 10, 0
msg1:   db     'struct + b = %d', 10, 0
msg2:   db     'pStru + b = %d', 10, 0

zData:  dw     0


section .bss
aBss:   resw    1

pStru:	resd	1         ; This is a pointer for a dynamically created structure

zBss:   resd    1

section .text
    global main
    extern printf
    extern scanf
    extern malloc


        push    dword [ mysize ]
        push    msg
        call    printf
        add     esp, 8

;; This is a static structure
	mov	eax, 7                    
	mov	dword [ struct + b ], eax  ; move a value into the structure
        push    dword [ struct + b ]       ; get the value
        push    dword msg1
        call    printf                     ; print it out
        add     esp, 8
;; This is a dynamic structure

        mov	eax, 17                    ; size of the structure
        push    eax
        call    malloc                     ; get the memory allocated
        mov     dword [ pStru ], eax       ; store the address in the pointer
        add     esp, 4

        mov	ebx, dword [ pStru ]       ; put the address into an index register
        mov     dword [ ebx + b ], 44h     ; set a value
        push    dword [ ebx + b ]          ; get the value
        push    dword msg2
        call    printf                     ; print it out
        add     esp, 8

        mov     ebx,0   ;successful termination of program
        mov     eax,1   ;system call number (sys_exit)
        int     0x80    ;call kernel


[~/courses/umbc/CMSC313/spring05/lectures/Lect10/struct1]$ struct1
Size of struct is 24
struct + b = 7
pStru + b = 68

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©2004, Gary L. Burt