Project 3 -- Fall 2001

Due: 4 Dec 2001


Project 3 is to develop a C language program that will have embedded assembly language in in.

This must be done in Microsoft Visual C++. That is the only C compiler that is supported here at UMBC. We need you to use a version that we have access to when we are grading.

The C program will declare two strings of the same size and initialize one of them with the string "Move me!". Print out both strings, showing the starting conditions. All output is do be done in the C portion only.

Use the assembly language to move the data from the first string to the second string. Make sure that you set the first string to an empty string by setting the first element of the array to a null byte.

Then return to C and print out the two strings a second time, showing that the message is now in the second string only.

The output of your program will look like this:

String A:  Move me!
String B:

Going into assembly language
Back from assembly language

String A:  
String B:  Move me!  


Email the source file (the .asm file) to the TA at

Program Header Comment Block

Use the following comment block at the beginning of your source code:
;; Filename:       proj3.c
;; Name:           Ima Student
;; SSAN:           6789  
;; Date:           3 Dec 2001
;; Course:         CMSC-211 
;; Description:    
;;     Analysis:   
;;       Input:
;;       Output:
;;       Formulas:
;;       Constraints:
;;       Assumpitons:
;;     Design:     (Your psuedocode goes here.  Must be detailed)
;; Notes:          (As needed, such has how to assemble.)

UMBC CMSC211 CSEE | Lectures