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Project 1: A Linked List Implementation in C

Due Date

Project 1 is due at midnight Friday, February 11, 2000. Note that this means before 23:59:59 on Friday evening.

Project 1 has been extended


The objectives of this project are to:


For this project, you will be completing an existing C program. The program uses a linear linked list structure to keep track of an inventory of compact discs (CDs). This is the only project for which you will be using C; all others will be written in C++. However, use the C++ compiler, not the C compiler.

As you work with the source files used in this project, you should also get a good idea as to whether or not you have the proper background in C programming to succeed in this course.


  1. Study the source code that you have been given as a starting point. Notice that some of the functions are incomplete and must be finished by you. Here are links to the source code:

  2. Use a makefile that will build an executable from the source files. Project1 should be the name of the executable file and your program should compile just by typing make.

    The starter source files will compile with four warnings indicating that four non-void functions require return values. Here is an example of one of the warnings:

    CC -c Date.c "Date.c", line 7: warning(1116): non-void function "dateCompare" (declared at line 3) should return a value } ^ These warnings will go away after you write the code for the bodies of the functions.

  3. In the .h files, add comments before each function prototype. Some of these are done for you. Note that this project, although neatly organized, does not strictly follow the rules that you will be required to following in future projects.

  4. Finish writing the functions that are incomplete. Think first, code later!

  5. You may not change any of the other code in the final version of your project. This means you may change whatever you like to test your program while you're working on it, but you should not submit files with any other changes in the code.

  6. Test, test, test! This means you will need to make temporary changes to main(), but keep in mind that when you turn in your project, you should use the main() EXACTLY as it appears in the original Project1.c file.

  7. For this project, you should submit a makefile and seven source files named as follows:

Coding Standards

For this project you are not required to follow the class Coding Standards. Your code should be clean and it should flow with the style of the surrounding code.

Testing Your Program

Remember, your program must compile and run using the CC compiler on the IRIX machines (umbc8/9). If your program does not compile or does not generate the correct output, you will not receive full credit for this project.

You should make sure that you have a makefile named either makefile or Makefile and that when you type make your program compiles to an executable called Project1. Failure to follow these simple directions will result in a reduced grade.

Sample Test Data

In addition to testing your program by entering data from the keyboard, you can "automate" the testing process by running your program and redirecting input from a file. Edit a simple text file, where each line contains the data that would be entered by the user. If the file is called input.dat, you would run your program with the following command line:

      Project1 < input.dat

Here is:

You can use the sample input file for testing purposes, but keep in mind that your program will be tested with DIFFERENT input data when it is graded.

Submitting your Project

When you have finished and tested your project you can submit it electronically using submit. The project name for this assignment is proj1. As an example, to submit your Makefile, you would type: submit cs202 proj1 Makefile More complete documentation for submit and related commands can be found here.

Last Modified: February 5, 2000

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