UMBC CMSC 202 Spring '00 CSEE | 202 | 202 S'00 | lectures | news | help

Project 0: Submitting a File Electronically


This project introduces you to the submit program and ensures that you can submit your later ("real") projects.

Due Date

This project is due midnight Friday, 4 February 2000. Note that this means before 23:59:59 on Friday evening.


The sole purpose of this project is to test your ability to submit projects. You don't have to do this project - and will get no credit for doing it. If you don't do it and later have trouble submitting a "real" project, no mercy!

Your task is to submit a small file. If you can do it, relax. If you can't do it, please send mail here from your gl account. Please include a description of what went wrong when you tried to submit. Here's how to submit a small file.

You should get a friendly message stating that the file was submitted ok.

Related commands: submit, submitls, and submitrm

As you can see, submit is used for submitting files for a project. The formal syntax is: /usr/local/bin/submit <class> <project> <filename>+ After you submit you can view a list of the submitted files (at any time) by calling submitls: /usr/local/bin/submitls <class> <project> If you've submitted some files by accident and want to "unsubmit" them, you can do that too. Just run submitrm: /usr/local/bin/submitrm <class> <project> <filename>+ More documentation on these commands is available at:

UMBC CMSC 202 Spring '00 CSEE | 202 | 202 S'00 | lectures | news | help