CMSC104 Spring 2011

Programming Project 1

Grade Calculator

Out: Tuesday, April 5

Due: Thursday, April 14th, before 11:59 p.m.

The Objective

This project is designed to give you practice writing a JavaScript program on your own. You will also gain experience taking pseudocode you have written and writing the corresponding code. You should practice the incremental programming technique we discussed in class.

The Task

Tips and Hints

Sample Output

The sample screenshots were produced with the following grades as input:

Homework 1: 100 Project 1: 75 Exam 1: 92
Homework 2: 80 Project 2: 90 Exam 2: 80
Homework 3: 100 Project 3: 99 Exam 3: 81
Homework 4: 100


Prompt to get first homework grade

Displaying the average

Displaying the letter grade

Extra Credit

Submitting the Program

You do not have to do anything (such as email me) to submit the program. The grader will view your Web page to grade the project. You may not edit your page after 11:59 p.m on the due date. You project will not be accepted if it is modified after the due date