CMSC 104, Fall 2005

Homework 1

Due Date:

Midnight, Wednesday, September 16th
Note that late Homework will NOT be accepted.


To become familiar with

Note that this exercise is meant to be performed in the lab with the assistance of your instructor. However, if you do not finish, you must finish on your own time.



  1. Log On to the Linux System

  1. Check Your Disk Quota and Clean Your Directory

    OIT allocates a fixed amount of disk space (called your "disk quota") to each of the gl system users. It is a good habit to check your disk quota from time to time to make sure that you are not coming close to your allocation. To do this, type: quota -v

    If you have already used a large portion of your quota (e.g., 90% or higher), you should delete unnecessary files. To do this, type oitcleaner at the linux prompt.

  2. Getting Ready to Use the xemacs Text Editor:

     Before you begin the next part of this exercise, you need to copy another file into your directory. This file is called .emacs and activates certain emacs features (do not worry about what features for now). To copy the file, type

    cp /afs/ .

    Note that the final period is part of the command and must be typed. To check that the file is now in your directory, type: ls -a

  3. Use the xemacs Text Editor to Create an Autobiography

    You will be using the xemacs text editor to create a file called mybio.txt. The file will contain a brief autobiography about you as follows:

    1. Begin by stating your name, major, and class standing (e.g., sophomore).

    2. Then, write a paragraph or two telling me a little bit about yourself. Tell me
      • where you are from and why you chose UMBC for your education,
      • why you chose your major,
      • the best college course you have had so far and why.

    To create your autobiography file, do the following.

  4. Use the pine E-mail Client to Send an E-mail With an Attachment

    You are now going to use pine to send an e-mail to me that has the mybio.txt file that you created as an attachment. You are also going to send a copy of the email to yourself.

    To accomplish this, do the following.

  5. Log Off the Linux System

    To log off of the system, type logout. Make sure you log off of the computer as well.