CMSC 104, Fall 2002

Project 1

Note that late projects will NOT be accepted.

Point Value:

This project is worth 50 points


To become familiar with


  1. Log On to the UNIX System

  2. Log on to the UNIX system as follows.

  3. Use one of the Text Editors to Create an Autobiography

  4. You will be using the one of the text editor to create a file called mybio.txt. The file will contain a brief autobiography about you as follows:

    1. Begin by stating your name, major, and class standing (e.g., sophomore).
    2. Then write a paragraph or two telling me a little bit about yourself. Tell me where you are from and why you chose UMBC for your education. Tell me which programming languages you know, if any. Also, tell me which operating systems you are familiar with, if any. I would also like to know why you are taking this course. Do not leave out any of this information!

  5. Use the pine E-mail System to Send an E-mail

  6. You are now going to use pine to send an e-mail to the TA that has the mybio.txt file that you created as an attachment.

    To accomplish this, do the following.

  7. Log Off the UNIX System

  8. When you are done with this exercise, you must log off both the UNIX system and the PC.