CMPE 414/ CMPE 641: Assignment 2 For the standard cell library provided verify that all the cells are DRC clean and meet all the standard cell design parameters. Also run functional simulations to determine the correct operation of each cell for all possible cases. The distribution of cells is give below for each student. BRIDGEMAN, MICHAEL J. dff, and2, oai3 DAHLKE, JASON P. dffn, aoi3, aoi4, oai4 HOERST, GREGORY M dffnsr, buf, or2 JOHNSON, ANGELIQUE C dffsr, nor4, tiehi, tielow KOLIOFOTIS, MICHAEL E dlatch, txi, txx KUNAPRAYOON, MELANIE W dlatchn, inv, nxor LERKARAM, PETIKUL P sdff, fill, xor LEVIN, RYAN H sdffn, nand2 LOTTICH, JOSHUA P sdffnsr nand3 MCKAY, KYLE S sdffsr nand4 MORTON, JAMES V reg1r1w nor2 PIERSON, JEFFREY S reg2r1w nor3 ELSHOUKRY, MOHAMMED H reg1r1w, reg2r1w, and2, nand4, txi HUANG, PEI dffnsr, dffsr, aoi3, aoi4, nor2, txx, xnor KOTAGIRI, HARICHARAN dlatch, dlatchn, buf, nor3, xnor LAOHAVALEESON, EKARAT sdff, sdffn, fill, nor4 MOORER, GREGORY sddrnsr, sdffsr, inv, oai3, or2 PAN, QIAO dff, dffn, nand2, nand3, oai4, tiehi, tielow