CMPE 310: Systems Design and Programming

CMPE 310: Systems Design and Programming
Section 0101 and 0102
Fall 2007

Instructor: Chintan Patel
Office: ITE 322
Office Hours: Mon & Wed, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM or by appointment

Teaching Assistant:Ekarat Laohavalesson (
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, ITE 371 or by appointment

Meeting Time and Location: Mon & Wed, SOND 101, 2:30 - 3:45 PM
Lab Discussion: Fri, SOND 101, 1:00 - 2:50 PM
Lab Section 0101: Fri, ITE 375, 3:00 - 3:50 PM
Lab Section 0102: Fri, ITE 375, 4:00 - 4:50 PM

Check regularly for important class information

 Final exam will be in ITE 375 on Monday Dec 17th from 1:00 - 3:00 PM

 Dec 3: Fill out the ABET survey for this class at before the last day of class. Log on using your umbc username and password.

 Oct 17: Update to Lab Assignment 3 posted as discussed in class

 Oct 15:Midterm exam will be in class on Wed. Oct 24th

 Sep 10: Lectures will be held in ITE 375 starting from Sep. 10th.

 Aug 27: Syllabus Posted.

Course Material
 Fall 2007 Syllabus

 Lecture 1: Introduction

 Lecture 2: 80x86 Architecture

 Lecture 3: 80x86 Register Architecture

 Lecture 4: 80x86 Chipset

 Lecture 5: Memory I

 Lecture 6: Memory II

 Lecture 7: Memory III

 Lecture 8: Memory IV

 Lecture 9: Basic IO: 82C55 PPI

  • Intel 8255 datasheet

 Lecture 10: Basic IO: 8279 / 8254

End of Midterm Exam Material

 Lecture 11: Basic IO: 16550/ Serial and Parallel Ports/ ADC and DAC

 Lecture 12: Interrupts

  • Intel 8259 datasheet

 Lecture 13: Mass Storage, Video and DMA

 Lecture 14: Bus Interface

 Lecture 15: OS Essentials

 Lecture 16: Protected Mode Addressing

 Lecture 17: Paging and Segmentation

End of Course Material

Lab Slides
 Assembly Basics / Addressing Modes


 Arithmetic, Logic and Control Instructions

 Data Movement Instructions

 Stack Basics and Procedure Calls

 Floating Point Coprocessor Instructions

Assembly and Project Help
 NASM documentation

 Compiling using GCC and LD

 Using GDB for debugging assembly language

 Linux System Calls

 Official Intel Instruction Set Reference

 Instructions on using Submit

 8086 Instructions

 Example Source codes

 8086 Board Project Links

 Instructions on submitting assignments
  • Completely fill out and include the cover page (doc or pdf) with each lab submission. Labs will not be accepted without the cover sheet
  • Late submission penalty is 20% lab grade per day late
  • The definition for a late lab is if you don't hand in your hardcopy when you walk into your class (or don't submit the softcopy before coming to class) you have a late submission.
  • Weekends will be considered as late days.

 Lab Assignment 1: Due Monday Oct 1: Hamming Distance

 Lab Assignment 2: Due Monday Oct 8: Processing Integers

 Lab Assignment 3: Due Monday Oct 22: Constructing Floats

  • Along with the requirements mentioned in the pdf document above, print the largest and smallest floating point number on screen as well as the sum of all integers in the file. Use the floating point unit's integer instructions to do the addition of all integers and print out the sum as a floating point number. For printing floating point numbers in the output file use %f with printf

 8086 Board Design Project: Due Date Changed to Wed Nov 28: 8086 Board Design

 UMBC 8086 Trainer Programming: Due Mon Dec 10: UMBC 8086 Trainer Programming