Lab 8: SR-Latch

Table of Contents

Lab 8: SR-Latch

Discussion and Theory

Objective and Overview

In this lab, you will be verifying the operation of a simple synchronous SR-latch, starting from modeling an asynchronous S-R latch.

Discussion Modeling Delay with VerilogDiscussion Asynchronous. S-R Latchin VerilogPrelab Synchronous S-R Latchin VerilogLab Synchronous S-R Latchusing Discrete ICs on Breadboard

Required Equipment

Discussion and Theory

The SR-latch is one of the simplest sequential logic structures. It employs positive feedback (two inversions), and consists of two NOR gates as shown in the following figure. To study it’s behaviour in Verilog we’ll use delay modeling to explore the latch behavior before the lab.

Verilog and Naive Unit Delay

Previously you learned about

A new skill we will learn today is to add delays to allow us to see signal propagation along a combinational path and then use it in a sequential circuit to observe latching behavior.
Delays in physical circuits are dependent on the type of gate, number of inputs (fan-in), and load (which is based on factors such as the number of gates being driven, also called fan-out). We will intially assume all gates have input-to-output propagation delay of 1 time unit.

The delay modeling feature in Verilog is more accurate modeling of real circuits. In real circuits, delay is either an unwanted characteristic or it is fundamentally required for the function of the physical circuit. Here is a simple interactive depiction of an inverter without and with delay.

Next we’ll examine and compare code without and then with delays added to understand how to add delay in your Verilog Code. It will be added to the instantiations.

Example code without delay:

module sop_nodelay(a,b,c,y); // Sum of Products, y=f(a,b,c)
  input logic a,b,c;
  output logic y;
  logic a_n,b_n,c_n;
  not not00(a_n,a);
  not not01(b_n,b);
  not not02(c_n,c);
  and and00(p0, a, b);
  and and01(p1,b, c_n);
  or or00(y,p0,p1);
:8 8 :9 9 :5 5 :6 6 :7 7 :10 10 a b c y

Since Verilog primitives don’t have any default delay, all internal signals and the output will appear to change at the same time in simulation.

How to specify delay?

To add the naive delay of 1 time unit to all gates, include #1 to the primitive instantiations as in the following module.

Also note the code that in on the first line:

`timescale 1ns / 100ps

This specifies that the default time unit and time resolution will be 1 ns, meaning that #1 will correspond to 1 ns. It also specifies the the time resolution is 100ps – so for instance #1.3 could be used to specify 1.3 ns, but #1.31 is also 1.3 ns. We will only use #1 for simplicity and call this a naive unit delay.

`timescale 1ns / 100ps
// Sum of Products, y=f(a,b,c)
module sop_naivedelay(y,a,b,c);
  input a,b,c;
  output logic y;
  logic a_n,b_n,c_n,p0,p1;
  not #1 not00(a_n,a);
  not #1 not01(b_n,b);
  not #1 not02(c_n,c);
  and #1 and00(p0, a, b);
  and #1 and01(p1,b, c_n);
  or #1 or00(y,p0,p1);

Here is a Testbench that you can use to perform the simulation and observe the signal propagation along a path:

`timescale 1ns / 100ps
module sop_naivedelay_tb;
    // Variables for Testbench to drive DUT Inputs  
    logic a_tb,b_tb,c_tb;
    // Nets from DUT outputs
    logic y_tb;

    // DUT (device under test
    // instantiate the module to test here:
    sop_naivedelay DUT (.y(y_tb),.a(a_tb),.b(b_tb),.c(c_tb));

    initial begin
             " TB: y=%1b,a=%1b,b=%1b,c=%1b DUT:a_n=%1b,b_n=%1b,c_n=%1b,p0=%1b,p1=%1b",
              //note use of hierarchical signal referencing DUT.01
    $dumpvars(0,sop_naivedelay_tb);  ////

    a_tb =0; b_tb=0; c_tb = 0;
    a_tb =0; b_tb=0; c_tb = 1;
    a_tb =0; b_tb=1; c_tb = 0;
    a_tb =0; b_tb=1; c_tb = 1;
    a_tb =1; b_tb=0; c_tb = 0;
    a_tb =1; b_tb=0; c_tb = 1;
    a_tb =1; b_tb=1; c_tb = 0;
    a_tb =1; b_tb=1; c_tb = 1;

      $finish; // can alternatively use $stop to
              //  interact with the simulation instead of closing it.      


Here is the expected output. The input are changed at multiples of 10 ns.

Look at the effect of the input change at 20 ns.
The output of the NOT gate changes at 21 ns
The output of AND gate changes at 22 ns.
The output of the OR gate changes 23 ns.

0 TB: y=x,a=0,b=0,c=0 DUT:a_n=z,b_n=z,c_n=z,p0=z,p1=z
1 TB: y=x,a=0,b=0,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=1,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
2 TB: y=0,a=0,b=0,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=1,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
10 TB: y=0,a=0,b=0,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=1,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
11 TB: y=0,a=0,b=0,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=1,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
20 TB: y=0,a=0,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=1,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
21 TB: y=0,a=0,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
22 TB: y=0,a=0,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=1
23 TB: y=1,a=0,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=1
30 TB: y=1,a=0,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=1
31 TB: y=1,a=0,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=1
32 TB: y=1,a=0,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
33 TB: y=0,a=0,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
40 TB: y=0,a=1,b=0,c=0 DUT:a_n=1,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
41 TB: y=0,a=1,b=0,c=0 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=1,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
50 TB: y=0,a=1,b=0,c=1 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=1,c_n=1,p0=0,p1=0
51 TB: y=0,a=1,b=0,c=1 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=1,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
60 TB: y=0,a=1,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=1,c_n=0,p0=0,p1=0
61 TB: y=0,a=1,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=1,p1=0
62 TB: y=1,a=1,b=1,c=0 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=1,p1=1
70 TB: y=1,a=1,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=0,c_n=1,p0=1,p1=1
71 TB: y=1,a=1,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=1,p1=1
72 TB: y=1,a=1,b=1,c=1 DUT:a_n=0,b_n=0,c_n=0,p0=1,p1=0

These delays can also be explored visually in by generating a .vcd file and using a waveform viewer.
You should use GTKwave to observe the output.

SR-latch: asynchronous and synchronous

Asynchronous SR Latch

An SR-latch can be considered to be one-bit memory because it has two valid, stable states, which are affected by input pulses and persist even after the pulses. As you can be seen in the figure it has two inputs, SS and RR, and two complementary outputs, QQ and Qˉ\bar{Q}.

The truth table of this circuit including inputs, output are given below.

SR Latch Truth Table
Inputs Outputs
S{\rm S} R{\rm R} Q{\rm Q} Q\overline{\rm Q}
00 0 No Change No Change
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 Invalid Invalid

Based on the table, we can set and reset the output of the SR-latch, if {S,R} are {0,1},{1,0} respectively. If {S,R} is {1,1} the SR-latch operates as a memory and keep the value of its outputs.

The SR-latch discussed can be described using the following structural description:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module sr_latch(S, R, Q, Q_n);

	input logic S, R;
	output logic Q, Q_n;
	nor #10 i1(Q, R, Q_n);
	nor #10 i2(Q_n, S, Q);

Note here that instead of using the naive unit delay, we model the NOR gates with delay 10 ns

The timescale directive at the top provides the default unit and the time resolution of the simulation

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

The following is a testbench for the SR-latch

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module sr_latch_tb();

  logic S, R;
  logic Q, Q_n;

  // instantiate unit(module) under test
  sr_latch uut(.S(S), .R(R), .Q(Q), .Q_n(Q_n));
    $timeformat(-9,3," ns",20); //change the default display format for time
    $monitor("%10t: S=%b,R=%b,Q=%b,Q_n=%b", $time,S,R,Q,Q_n);
    S=1'b1; R=1'b0; // control input = set
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    S=1'b0; R=1'b0; // control input = hold
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    S=1'b0; R=1'b1; // control input = reset
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    S=1'b0; R=1'b0; // control input = hold
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    S=1'b1; R=1'b1; // control input invalid
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    S=1'b0; R=1'b0; // control input hold
    #1000 // wait 1000 ns
    $finish; // terminate the simulation

To compile using Icarus Verilog use the following commands at the command prompt:

iverilog -g2012 -o sr_latch_tb

To run the simulation use the following command:


Here is a result found in the printed output:

  0.000 ns: S=1,R=0,Q=x,Q_n=x
 10.000 ns: S=1,R=0,Q=x,Q_n=0
 20.000 ns: S=1,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=0
1000.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=0
2000.000 ns: S=0,R=1,Q=1,Q_n=0
2010.000 ns: S=0,R=1,Q=0,Q_n=0
2020.000 ns: S=0,R=1,Q=0,Q_n=1
3000.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=1
4000.000 ns: S=1,R=1,Q=0,Q_n=1
4010.000 ns: S=1,R=1,Q=0,Q_n=0
5000.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5010.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5020.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5030.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5040.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5050.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5060.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5070.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5080.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5090.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5100.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5110.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1
5120.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=0,Q_n=0
5130.000 ns: S=0,R=0,Q=1,Q_n=1

← both Q and Q_n are low, this represents
            an invalid output state
↓ oscillating (and invalid) output states

Note the invalid output pair Q=0,Q_n=0 on line 15 when S and R are both asserted.

Furthermore, on lines 17 onward note the problem that the simulator faces in computing a stable output when the invalid input is changed to 0,0. In fact this is not what happens in a real circuit. In a physical circuit, noise and positive feedback ensure that a stable state of 1,0 or 0,1 is reached. An analog circuit analysis is required to study how this happens. You may learn such analysis in later courses. This simulation result demonstrates that there are some limitations inherent to experiments with models based on digital abstractions of circuits.

Modeling analog circuits as digital circuits assumes certain rules will be followed. For a combinational circuit, the abstraction and modeling of the analog circuit as a digital circuit predicts behavior well as long as the inputs obey certain rules/constraints/requirements. Specifically, a minimum voltage threshold is specified for for a valid high input, and a maximum voltage threshold is specified for a valid low input. A sequential circuit also has timing requirements for the inputs (e.g. data, control, clock).


Take care to allow enabled operations (set/reset) to have sufficient time before enabling subsequent operations to avoid invalid behavior.

Lab Exercise

Asynchronous SR Latch

The following ICs are used in this lab:


Lab Report and Grading

Lab 8: SR-Latch

Discussion and Theory