From Prof. Oates's 2016 data science class This document describes how to install Anaconda, which has everything you'll need for the first part of the class. The instructions are written for linux (I'm doing this on a VM running Ubuntu on my Mac Book), but should work with minor modifications for Windows, etc. In fact, I encourage users of other operating systems to start discussions in Slack. (1) Google "download anaconda" and click on the first result (2) Scroll down a bit and you should see a set of tabs to download for Windows, OSX, and Linux. Click the correct tab for your OS if it is not already foregrounded. (3) Choose 32 or 64 bits based on your machine architecture (64 bits should work and is preferred) and Python 3.5 or 2.7. Note that Anaconda installs Python locally so choose the version that you're most comfortable with, or 3.5 if you don't care. Click the link based on these choices. (4) That downloads a large file that beings with "Anaconda" and contains indications of the choices you made above. In my case the file was named (5) Make the install script executable: chmod +x (6) Run it, and answer a few simple questions: ./ (7) After installing, Anaconda will ask if you want to prepend the anaconda bin directory to your path. Do that. If you don't, you are in danger of not using the correct python and being confused when you try to load packages. Be sure to quit all shells and start new ones so that the new path takes effect. (8) Test the install. At a shell: python import pandas If that returns without an error, you're good to go!