;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; 3PUZZLE.LISP - code for solving the 3-puzzle (trivial 2x2 version ;; of the 8-puzzle) using search. DFS and BFS tested; both work. ;; A* not debugged and not tested. Left as an exercise for the reader. :-) ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2002, Marie desJardins ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; DATA STRUCTURES ;;; (defstruct problem (initial-node) (goal-test) (operators)) (defstruct node (state) (goal-dist)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; 3 PUZZLE DEFINITIONS ;;; (defun 3puzz-goal-dist (node &aux (dist 0) (correct-tile 1)) "Estimate the distance to the goal as the number of tiles out of place" ;; "correct-tile" is an index that keeps track of what tile should be ;; in each location; dist is the counter to keep track of the ;; total number of tiles out of place so far (loop for tile in (node-state node) do (progn (if (not (eq tile correct-tile)) (incf dist)) (incf correct-tile))) dist) (defun 3puzz-goal-test (state) "Return T if state is the goal state for the 3-puzzle" ;; Could also just check to see if 3puzz-dist returns 0 (equal state '(1 2 3 -)) ) (defun move-blank-right (state &aux pos) "Operator to move the blank right. If position POS of blank is not 2 or 4, swap blank and tile in position POS+1; otherwise, return nil (no new states generated)" (setf pos (index '- state)) (if (not (or (eq pos 2) (eq pos 4))) (list (make-node :state (swap-tiles state pos (+ pos 1))))) ) (defun move-blank-up (state &aux pos) "Operator to move the blank up. If position POS of blank is > 2 swap blank and tile in position POS-2; otherwise, return nil (no new states generated)" (setf pos (index '- state)) (if (> pos 2) (list (make-node :state (swap-tiles state pos (- pos 2))))) ) (defun move-blank-down (state &aux pos) "Operator to move the blank down. If position POS of blank is < 3, swap blank and tile in position POS+2; otherwise, return nil (no new states generated)" (setf pos (index '- state)) (if (< pos 3) (list (make-node :state (swap-tiles state pos (+ pos 2))))) ) (defun move-blank-left (state &aux pos) "Operator to move the blank left. If position POS of blank is not 1 or 3, swap blank and tile in position POS-1; otherwise, return nil (no new states generated)" (setf pos (index '- state)) (if (not (or (eq pos 1) (eq pos 3))) (list (make-node :state (swap-tiles state pos (- pos 1))))) ) (defvar 3puzz-problem "The 3 puzzle problem" nil) (setf 3puzz-problem (make-problem ;; A very easy state, with one tile out of place :initial-node (make-node :state '(1 2 - 3)) :goal-test #'3puzz-goal-test :operators (list #'move-blank-up #'move-blank-down #'move-blank-left #'move-blank-right))) (setf (node-goal-dist (problem-initial-node 3puzz-problem)) (3puzz-goal-dist (problem-initial-node 3puzz-problem))) (defun test3-dfs () (General-Search 3puzz-problem #'DFS-queue)) (defun test3-bfs () (General-Search 3puzz-problem #'BFS-queue)) (defun test3-a* () (General-Search 3puzz-problem #'A*-queue)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; GENERIC SEARCH FUNCTION ;; problem describes the start state, operators, goal test, and operator costs ;; q-fn is the queueing function (a comparator function that ranks two states) ;; general-search returns either a goal node or failure (defun General-Search (problem q-fn &aux nodes (visited nil)) (setf nodes (list (make-node :state (node-state (problem-initial-node problem))))) (loop do (progn (if (null nodes) (return-from General-Search 'failure)) (setf node (car nodes)) (setf nodes (cdr nodes)) ;; Don't test an already visited node; just loop again (when (not (member (node-state node) visited :test #'equal)) (format t "Testing ~s (~s nodes visited, ~s nodes open)~%" (node-state node) (length visited) (length nodes)) (if (funcall (problem-goal-test problem) (node-state node)) (return-from General-Search (values node (length visited) (length nodes))) (progn (push (node-state node) visited) (setf nodes (funcall q-fn nodes (Expand node (problem-operators problem) visited))))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; EXPAND FUNCTION FOR 3-PUZZLE ;;; (defun Expand (node operators visited) (remove-if #'(lambda(n) (member n visited :test #'equal)) (apply #'nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (op) (funcall op (node-state node))) operators)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; QUEUING FUNCTIONS ;;; (defun DFS-queue (nodes new-nodes) "Destructively inserts new-nodes list into the node list for a DFS search (new-nodes are prepended to node list)" (nconc new-nodes nodes)) (defun BFS-queue (nodes new-nodes) "Destructively inserts new-nodes list into the node list for a BFS search (new-nodes are appended to node list)" (nconc nodes new-nodes)) (defun A*-queue (nodes new-nodes) "Non-destructively inserts new-nodes into the node list for an A* search (new-nodes are inserted in increasing order of estimated distance to the goal)" (loop for new in new-nodes do (setf nodes (insert-node-ordered new nodes)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; UTILITY FUNCTIONS ;;; (defun insert-node-ordered (new nodes) "Non-destructively insert NEW into a node list, in increasing order of estimated distance to the goal. (Note that NODES is assumed to already be ordered, by construction.)" (cond ((null nodes) (list new)) ((< (node-goal-dist new) (node-goal-dist (car nodes))) (cons new nodes)) (t (cons (car nodes) (insert-node-ordered new (cdr nodes)))))) (defun index (el l &optional (pos 1)) "Return the index (position) of el in l" (if (null l) (error "Can't find ~s in function INDEX~%" el)) (if (eq el (car l)) pos (index el (cdr l) (incf pos)))) (defun swap-tiles (state p1 p2 &aux temp state2) "Swap the p1'th and p2'th elements of state in a new copy; indices start at 1, not 0, so have to subtract 1 for 'nth' function" (setf state2 (copy-tree state)) (decf p1) (decf p2) (setf temp (nth p1 state2)) (setf (nth p1 state2) (nth p2 state2)) (setf (nth p2 state2) temp) state2)