Extending Gordon-Loeb


Research extensions to the Gordon-Loeb model for investment in information security. Propose your own modification or extension.


The Gordon-Loeb (G-L) model for investment in information security is well-known and widely used: in 2017, the Better Business Bureau recommended that small businesses consider using the model to guide their investment in information security. There have been numerous papers written that either assess or extend the model. Choose one such paper to study. Summarize and assess the findings of the paper in a way that makes clear the relationship to the original G-L model as described in class.

Advanced: in addition to assessing a published paper, suggest and analyze your own extension to the G-L model. Do a quick literature search to be sure that your idea has not already been published.

There are three sample papers in my Box drive. You are welcome to use one of these or to look for another paper that interests you more.

Some of the other exam problems have multiple, clear technical milestones, which makes it easier to know if your work is on the right track. With this problem, you have to be very disciplined to ensure that you truly understand the paper you chose and can carefully assess it and summarize it in your own words.