UMBC CMSC421 CSEE | CMSC421 | Current CMSC421

What to turn in

When your project is absolutely finished and you have completely and totally tested your work, you are to create a script file (the output is "typescript" as in the following example (where "$" is the UNIX prompt):
$ script
$ cat  filename.c 
         /* all source files */
$ mysh
mysh  /* run examples to prove all commands and
         all forms given  will work. */
      /* for remote commands execute a remoteput abc 
         then remotels and then remoteget abc the same file u had put */
mysh exit
$ exit

Now the following must be submitted as part of the project

  1. Source code
  2. Compiled (object) code
  3. Makefile
  4. typescript as described above
  5. Readme file - provide all necessary instructions on how to build and execute your programs, so that the TAs can do the best job of building and testing your system. Anything that you feel will help the TA should be included.
Preferably submit as a Zip/tar with files organized in directories like src and object.

Use the submit command to submit the project.

UMBC CMSC421 CSEE | CMSC421 | Current CMSC421