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Course Description

CMSC 341 — Data Structures

An examination of a range of advanced data structures, with an emphasis on an object-oriented approach. Topics include asymptotic analysis; various binary search trees, including red-black and splay trees; skip lists as alternatives to binary search trees; data structures for multidimensional data such as K-D trees; heaps and priority queues, including binary heaps, binomial heaps, leftist heaps (and/or other mergeable heaps); B-trees for external storage; other commonly used data structures, such as hash tables and disjoint sets. Programming projects in this course will focus on implementation issues for data structures and on empirical analysis of their asymptotic performance.

Be sure to read through the syllabus for more information.

Class Meeting Information

Section Instructor Days Time Location
01 Dr. Charles Nicholas MW 4-5:15 MP 106
02 Mr. Kevin Winner MW 5:30-6:45 ACIV 013
03 Dr. Yun Peng TTh 5:30-6:45 SO 409
04 Mr. Kevin Winner TTh 2:30-3:45 ACIV 013

Course Instructors

Section Instructor Office Office Hours Email
01 Dr. Charles Nicholas ITE 356 MW 3-4pm or by appointment nicholas at umbc dot edu
02 Mr. Kevin Winner ITE 301 M 1-2, Th 4-5 winnerk1 at umbc dot edu
03 Dr. Yun Peng ITE 341 TTh 4-5 ypeng at umbc dot edu
04 Mr. Kevin Winner ITE 301 M 1-2, Th 4-5 winnerk1 at umbc dot edu