CMSC 341 Spring 2008
Project 1


Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008


11:59pm, Friday Feb 15, 2008


Feb 6

Update and Clarification (Feb 6, 2008)

  • For a stock you already own, its purchase share price can only be changed by buying additional shares of that stock, not by selling some shares of that stock. A sentence in Note 4 to the contrary has been deleted (highlighted and strikethrough).
  • As stated in Note 6, latest share price can only be updated by the command SHAREPRICE, not by BUY or SELL, although it is initialized to the purchase price when you buy that stock the first time.


  • To exercise and refresh your java programming
  • To start work with LIST, one of the simplest but also the widely used data structures, and
  • To warm up you for more complex data structures and more elaborated project assignments later in this course.


In this project you will implement a simple portfolio for a hypothetical investor in US stock market. The investor has a cash account she can use to buy stocks, and the money she receives from selling stocks will all go to this account. She also makes cash deposits to and cash withdrawals from this account from time to time.

The portfolio keeps all the stocks the investor currently owns. The following information is stored for each stock

  • ticker  (the symbol of the stock as its unique ID in the stock market)
  • number of shares currently owned
  • purchase share price
  • latest share price
  • gain (percent of change in share price)

Here is an example entry in the portfolio: F 120 6.3525 6.29 -0.9838 (120 share of Ford Motor Company with purchase share price of 6.3525, latest price of 6.29, and gain of -0.9838%).

The following commands specify the operations/actions the investor can take in our hypothetical investment world.

  • CASHIN <amount> -- deposits the given amount of cash to the cash account and prints the new cash balance
  • CASHINOUT <amount> -- withdraws the given amount of cash from the cash account and prints the new cash balance
  • CASHBALANCE<> -- prints the current cash balance
  • BUY <ticker> <number of shares> <share-price> -- buys the given number of shares of the given stock at the given share price.
  • SELL<ticker> <number of shares><share-price> -- sells the given number of shares of the stock at the given price.
  • SHAREPRICE<ticker>< share-price> -- inputs the current price of that stock
  • QUERY<ticker> -- prints out all relevant information of the stock
  • COUNTPORTFOLIO <> -- prints total number of stocks in the portfolio
  • PRINTPORTFOLIO<> -- prints all stocks in the portfolio and their relevant information in descending order of their percent change in share price.


  1. Numbers of shares one can buy/sell are integers (int), the tickers are strings, and all other parameters for these commands are real (float).
  2. The cash account should be initialized to zero
  3. The gain is calculated as (latest share price – purchase share prince)/purchase share price.
  4. Since the investor can buy and cumulate the same stock at different time with different share prices, the “purchase share price” and “percent of change in share price” need to be recalculated whenever the number of shares of a stock is increased with a new purchase. These two values will also be affected when some shares are sold. (You need to figure out the formulas for the purchase share price, which is actually the averaged over all the shares currently in the portfolio).
  5. When the number of shares of one stock becomes 0 (zero) after one “sell” transaction, its entry shall be removed from the portfolio.
  6. The latest share price is initialized to the purchase price when the stock is first purchased, it can only be updated by the command SHAREPRICE thereafter.
  7. You are free to create java classes and methods necessary for this project either from scratch or reuse some from, say Java Collection classes. Use can use a README file justify your choice.
  8. Be sure to handle exceptions (e.g., purchase without sufficient fund, try to sell what you don’t have, withdraw more cash than the current balance, etc.) and print out proper message.
  9. You can submit the output of your own test command file in a text file named p1-output.txt. Be sure that this file is in plain text format.

Command Line and Command File

Project 1 will be invoked with a command line that consists of one argument: the name of a file that contains a list of operations that must be performed on the inventory in that order. An example command line looks like

        Proj1 /afs/

All the commands in a command file shall be executed in the given sequence. You should echo each command before it is executed.

Here is an example of the command file:


CASHIN 100000

BUY MSFT 20 32.24

BUY BAC 100 42.22


BUY MSFT 10 31.15



SELL BAC 20 43.35


BUY INTC 20 12.75



Project Notes and requirements

  1. However, you must use generics for the LIST class you created for holding the portfolio. And obviously you need to create a class for stocks.
  2. You are free to create these and other java classes and methods necessary for this project either from scratch or reuse some from, say Java Collection classes. You can use a README file to justify your choice.
  3. You can assume that the command file is well-formed as described early, your program does not need to check the syntactical correctness of the commands in the file.
  4. Good documentation is required, and the comments must be in Javadoc form.
  5. Be sure to handle exceptions (e.g., purchase without sufficient fund, try to sell what you don’t have, withdraw more cash than the current balance, etc.) and print out proper messages for exceptions.

Files to Be Submitted

Submit the following files:

  1. *.java (including,

Submit the files using the procedure below.

Submission Tools
There are a number of tools available to you to check on your submittal. It is your responsibility to ensure that the submittal is correct and will result in a successful compilation of your project. Do not wait till the last minute to submit your files. Give yourself enough time to check that your submittal is correct.

If you don't submit a project correctly, you will not get credit for it. Why throw away all that hard work you did to write the project? Check your submittals. Make sure they work. Do this before the due date.

Documentation for the submit program is on the web at The class name is cs341 and the project name is Proj1. One of the tools provided by the submit program is submitls. It lists the names of the files you have submitted.

Project grading is described in the Project Policy handout.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Please re-read the Project Policy handout for further details on honesty in doing projects for this course.

Remember, the due date is firm. Submittals made after midnight of the due date will not be accepted. Do not submit any files after that time.