CMSC 341 Spring 2007 Project 5 ************************************************************** * * * YOUR NAME HERE: * * * ************************************************************** Your answers need not be very long, but they must be relevant and complete. Answers should not consist only of code. They should be short English explanations that show you know what you are doing in the code. Include the output from at least 6 runs of your program (three with p = 0.25 and three with p = 0.5). Your runs should insert a large number of integers (at least 5000) and vary the max node size. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1) What is the average asymptotic number of comparisons as a function of list size? Justify your answer. Do your data support this theoretical result? Justify your answer. 2) Answer question (1) again for an ordinary linked list. Hint: you do not have to write or use any additional linked list code. Use your SkipList code. 3) What does "number of comparisons" have to do with time performance of the SkipList operations find and insert? Why not just measure the time directly? 4) Does the average number of pointers meet your theoretical expectations as a function of probability level? Explain, stating the theory and giving relevant data from your program. 5) Do the node size distributions agree with your theoretical expectations? Explain, stating the theory and giving relevant data from your program.