CMSC 341 -- Spring 2004 -- Project 1 Questions Copy this file into your directory and edit it to add your answers to the following questions about project 1. These questions count for 10% of your project grade. 1. (12 points) You are allowed to define functions to set values for some data members (renewStatus, recallCount, and due_date) for Book and Periodical classes as public functions. If these functions are private, what problem this may cause for functions such as "renewItem" in your CheckedOutList class? Briefly describe how to change these functions (again using "renewItem" as an example) to make them work? 2. (8 points) What are the best and worst time complexities for each of the following functions in CheckedOutList class? checkOutItem, returnItem, recallItem, renewItem. You answers must be in Big Oh notation.