CMSC-341, Fall 1999, Section 0101

Project 0

Assigned Monday, 6 September 1999
Due anytime


The sole purpose of this Project is to test your ability to submit projects. You don't have to do this project - and will get no credit for doing it. If you don't do it and later have trouble submitting a for-credit project, no mercy!

Your task is to submit a small file. If you can do it, relax. If you can't do it, please email me from your gl account. Describe what went wrong. Include the exact command you typed and the exact error message (if any) that was displayed to you Here's how to submit a small file.

You should get a friendly message stating that the file was submitted ok.

For a complete look at all submit related commands, see the UCS submit tutorial

Last modified on Thursday, Sept 2, 1999 (00:06:36 EDT) by Dennis L. Frey