6 Queues 

A simple linked­list implementation of a Queue is liable to have poor
performance time for Enqueue(). It will be necessary to scan the list
each time in order to find the end. This will cause O(n) performance.
Therefore, two pointers are kept to the list, a pointer to the front and
a pointer to the rear. Unlike Pop() for Stack, Dequeue() does not return
void, it returns (a copy of) the front Element. 

As with Stack, the storage requirements are O(n) for the array 
and list implementations of Queue. The list implementation 
requires storage for the pointers in addition to storage for the data. 

6.1 List Implementation of Queue 

The list implementation of Queue is very similar to that for Stack. The 
major difference is that a pointer is maintained to the "rear" of the queue 
to make the Enqueue operation efficient (namely O(1)). 

The Queue Node class

template <class T> class Queue; // forward declaration of Queue
template <class Etype>
class Node
    Etype Element;
    Node *Next;
    Node( Etype E = 0, Node *N = NULL )
     : Element( E ), Next( N ) {}

    friend class Queue;

The Queue class
Private members are index to first and last entries in the queue

template <class Element_Type>
class Queue

    // The queue is a linked list with no header.
    Node<Element_Type> *Queue-Front;
    Node<Element_Type> *Queue-Rear;

    Queue( ) : Queue_Front ( NULL ), Queue_Rear (NULL) {}

    Queue( Queue & Value );
    ~Queue( );

    const Queue & operator = ( const Queue & Value );
    void Enqueue( const Element_Type & X );
    Element_Type Dequeue( );
    int Is_Empty( ) const
      { return Queue_Front == NULL; }


Dequeue -- remove the "front" element from the queue

template <class T>
T Queue<T>::Dequeue()
  if (Queue_Front == NULL)
    Error("Attempt to dequeue an empty queue");
    return ???;
  T element = Queue_Front­>Element;
  Node<T> * P = Q_Front;
  Queue->Front = Q_Front­>Next;
  delete P;

  if (!Queue_Front) // list has become empty
    Queue_Rear = NULL;

  return element;

Enqueue --- add an element to the end of the queue

template <class T>
void Queue<T>::Enqueue(const T & element)
  if (Queue_Front == NULL) // initially empty queue
    Queue_Front = new Node<T>(element, NULL);
    Queue_Rear = Queue_Front;
    // build queue to the right
    Queue_Rear­>Next = new Node(element, Queue_Rear­>Next);
    Queue_Rear = Queue_Rear­>Next;

6.2 Array Implementation of Queue 

In the array implementation, cursors (indices) are kept to the front and 
rear of the Queue. The values of Full_Queue and Q_Size are used to 
determine when the Queue is full. 

Unlike the list implementation, the array implementation can 
overflow (the Queue can become full).

An empty Queue is characterized by Q_Size==0 
A full Queue is characterized by Q_Size==Full_Queue 
A Queue is constructed with ¨ 
    Q_Front==1, Q_Rear==0, and Q_Size==0 

Incrementing the cursors (indices) in a Queue is done by modular arithmetic.
The cursors "wrap­around" the end of the array.

The Array implementation of the Queue

static const Default_Size = 100;

template <class Element_Type>
class Queue
    unsigned int Full_Queue; // max size of the queue
    int Q_Front;
    int Q_Rear;
    int Q_Size;
    Element_Type *Q_Array;
    void Increment( int & X );

    Queue( unsigned int Max_Size = Default_Size );
    Queue( const Queue & Value );
    ~Queue( )
       { delete [ ] Q_Array; }
    const Queue & operator = ( const Queue & Value );
    void Enqueue( const Element_Type & X );
    Element_Type Dequeue( );
    void Make-Empty( );
    int Is_Empty( ) const { return Q_Size == 0; }
    int Is_Full( ) const { return Q_Size == Full_Queue; }


Incrementing the cursors (indices) in a Queue is done by modular arithmetic.
The cursors "wrap­around" the end of the array.

template <class Element_Type>
void Queue<Element_Type>:: Increment( int & X )
  if( ++X == Full_Queue )
    X = 0;

Enqueue --- add an element to the end of the queue (array version)

template <class Element_Type> ;
void Queue<Element_Type>:: Enqueue( const Element_Type & X )
  if( Is_Full( ) )
    Error( ''Queue is full'' );
    Increment( Q_Rear );
    Q_Array[ Q_Rear ] = X;

7 Stack and Queue and Tree Traversals

Depth­first and Breadth­first traversals of trees can be related
to stack and queue operations.

Breadth­first uses a queue

Queue<Tree_Node> q;
  Tree_Node node;


  while (!q.Is_Empty())
    node = q.Dequeue();
    for (each child of node)

Depth­first uses a stack

Stack<Tree_Node> s;
Tree_Node node;


  while (!s.Is-Empty())
    node = s.Top();
    for (each child of node)

Figure below shows a general tree. The contents of the queue and stack are 
as shown below. The traversal order, in each case, is given by the left 
hand column. 

 Queue        Stack