CMSC 341 Fall 2001 -- Project 4 These questions relate to the data your program reported. If you failed to get a working program, use the data in sample output (Mr. Frey's p4output file) to answer these questions. 1. (10 points) Explain how the observed BST data supports (or fails to support) the theoretical asymptotic running time for the insert and find operations. Be sure your analysis includes but is not limited to a discussion of the theoretical asymptotic performance and to the answers these questions A. What significance is the value C / M * lgN ? B. What did you expect to see for C / M * lgN? C. How does the value of C / M * lgN support or fail to support the theoretical performance? 2. (10 points) Explain how the observed Splay Tree data supports (or fails to support) the theoretical asymptotic running time for the insert and find operations. Be sure your analysis includes but is not limited to a discussion of the theoretical asymptotic performance and to the answers these questions A. What significance is the value C / M * lgN ? B. What did you expect to see for C / M * lgN? C. How does the value of C / M * lgN support or fail to support the theoretical performance?