1) What's the time complexity of the following member functions in the SortedList ADT? a) find b) insert How do these times differ from the run time efficiency of the unsorted list ADT? 2) The Concordance is a kind of sorted list (hence the class derivation). Think of one or more alternatives for implementing concordances. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your implementations compared to the one used in the project? 3) Let's suppose that the only information you ever wanted was a frequency distribution of words (i.e. just the counts and not the line numbers). Could you use the concordance ADT as is? If so, how? If not, why not? 4) Make a table comparing the run times of your program on the following input files: this file (341-Fall00-p2-questions.txt) fox_frag.txt fox.txt wasteland.txt hamlet.txt Clock time, measured in seconds, is acceptable for this assignment -- we'll use better measures of execution time later. For each file, run the unix command 'wc' to get an estimate of the length to put in your table.