Homework 7

Out: 11/28, due by 11:59pm 12/04


None yet.

Deep Scheme

The solutions to all of the questions below should be put into a file called hw7.ss. It is very important that you start with the provided stub file hw7stub.ss. rename it, and edit it to include your answers.

1. An enigma [15]

Complete the comment so it describes in a sentence or two what the following function does and what kind of argument it should be called with to avoid getting a run time error.

(define (enigma x)
;; the enigma function ...
(or (null? x)
(null? (rest x))
(and (not (equal? (car x) (car (cdr x))))
(enigma (rest x)))))

Hint: it you can't see what enigma does by inspection, load it into a Scheme interpreter and experiment with it. If it is obvious from the code what it does, it's still wise to load it into Scheme and verify your theory.

2. A conundrum [15]

Complete the comment so it describes in a sentence or two what the following function does and what kind of argument it should be called with to avoid getting a run time error.

(define (conundrum x y)
  ;; The amazing function conundrum ...
(cond ((null? y) -1) ((equal? x (first y)) 0) (else (let ((z (conundrum x (rest y)))) (if (< z 0) z (+ 1 z))))))

Recall that the let is used to create an environment with new local variables and to initially bind them to particular values. Let evaluates the expressions for the initial values outside the environment and then creates the new local variables and makes the initial assignments. A typical example is creating a local variable TEMP used to swap the values of two other variables, A and B:

(let ((temp #f)) 
   (set! temp a)
   (set! a b)
   (set! b temp))

Note that we might simplify this as follows:

(let ((temp a)) 
   (set! a b)
   (set! b temp))

3. lambda expressions [25]

Write lambda expressions that evaluate to the functionality described below, and assign each to the symbols do-nothing, first-str, and converse-func respectively. (In other words, do not use the (define (func arg1 arg2) ...) convenience form.) For example, your solution to question 3.1 below must start with:

    (define do-nothing
      (lambda ...

Be sure to test your lambda expression in the Scheme interpreter. Here is an example of a lambda expression that takes a single numberic argument and returns a value that is one more:
(lambda (n) (+ n 1))
and this shows how you would call it:
> ((lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 100)
(define s (lambda (n) (+ n 1)))
> (s 100)

Testing your code for question 3:

(Instructions are given at the end of this document for how to test your functions.)

4. unique-atoms (30)

Write a function unique-atoms that takes an arbitrary s-expression and returns a list of the unique atoms in it. The order of the atoms in the list is not important.

> (unique-atoms '(a (b) b ((c)) (a (b))))
(a c b)
> (unique-atoms '(a . a))
> (unique-atoms '())

Hint: Start by writing a function atoms that takes an s-expression and returns a list of all of the atoms in it. Then write a function unique-members that takes a list and returns a list of the unique top-level elements of the list. Once you have these two, you are almost done.

5. Tricky Lisp (15)

Write a function called 'reverse-tree that will invert an entire list, recursively reversing any sublists. Some examples:

;; A simple list:
(reverse-tree '(A B C))
'(C B A)

;; A nested list:
(reverse-tree '(A (X Y Z) B C))
'(C B (Z Y X) A)

;; And the most complex example:
(reverse-tree '(A B (P Q R (X Y Z) (1 2 3) ()) D E (((F) G) H)))
'((H (G (F))) E D (() (3 2 1) (Z Y X) R Q P) B A)
Notice that you must be able to handle null sublists, as in the third example above, but you do *not* have to handle dotted pairs (after all, what would the reverse of '(1 2 . 3) even be?).

Note that you cannot just define 'reverse-tree to be another name for 'reverse: that function only operates on the top level list, and not on sublists. However, 'reverse would be a useful helper function to call from inside your function.

Sound simple enough? Here's the catch: I'm adding a few extra restrictions to make it more interesting. First, you can only define the one function -- 'reverse-tree; furthermore, you cannot use the 'lambda special form inside. Second, you can only use the following small set of functions:

You do not have to use all of them.

The fact that all of the list-deconstructing and -constructing functions like 'cons', 'car', 'cdr', 'first', 'rest', 'append', etc. are left out implies that you cannot use the usual tail-recursive method that we have been predominantly using in class, where you operate on the first element and recurse on the rest of the list. Here, you need to use a different pattern that feels more like operating on the entire list at the same time. (Hint: refresh yourself on what the 'map function does.) A bit of good news: the entire solution will fit on one 80-character line (but you should break it into multiple lines for nice formatting).

Testing your code

Testing the functions you wrote for this homework is done much the same way as for the previous Homework 6. In other words, you should use the latest version of mzscheme that I have installed into my own directory, and you should create a symbolic link using "ln -s" in order to access it using the short name "scheme6".

Then, as instructed above, you must use hw7stub.ss as your starting point for editing. when you are done with the first function or two and want to test them, download "hw7test.ss" from our website (link here), then just use:

./scheme6 -t hw7test.ss

For people using the DrRacket IDE (the windowed interface), open that file, either by double-clicking, or using the "Open..." file menu if you already have DrRacket open. Then, hit the "RUN" button at the top. That should be it!

What to hand in

As mentioned in the intro, it is very important that you start with the stub file hw7stub.ss. Rename this to hw7.ss and edit it to include your answers to problems 1-2 and the code for problems 3, 4 and 5. Submit the file hw7.ss to the "hw7" submit directory on GL.