Project 4 — Sorting C Structs

Assigned Thursday, March 30th
Program Due Wednesday, April 5th by 11:59pm
Updates: None yet.


The objectives of the programming assignment are 1) to review your basic C/C++ programming skills 2) to practice using C structs 3) to practice basic C pointer operations 4) to explore how C structs are actually implemented, via assembly language


Structs and Field Offsets

Your program for this project will work with an array of structs that are defined in a C program. Each member of the array is a struct that contains data about an e-book. The data type for that struct is declared with:
   #define AUTHOR_LEN      20
   #define TITLE_LEN       32
   #define SUBJECT_LEN     10

   struct book {
      char author[AUTHOR_LEN + 1];    // first author
      char title[TITLE_LEN + 1];
      char subject[SUBJECT_LEN + 1];  // Nonfiction, Fantasy, Mystery, ...
      unsigned int year;              // year of e-book release 

In memory, each struct book occupies a contiguous block of memory. However, it is not necessarily the case that each field of a struct is placed right after the previous one. The reason is that the C compiler sometimes adds padding between fields of a struct to align each field to its natural boundary (as discussed in class). This can be observed through the gdb debugger. For example, let us define a simple 2-field struct rec, and then declare an instance of the struct, as follows:

   struct rec {
      char field1[5];
      int field2;

   struct rec myRec = {"Hi", 47};	// A global instance of a struct rec
If we examined this structure in gdb:
   (gdb) print myRec
   $1 = {field1 = "Hi\000\000\000",
     field2 = 47} 

   (gdb) print &myRec
   $2 = (struct rec *) 0x804a3a0

   (gdb) print &myRec.field1
   $3 = (char (*)[5]) 0x804a3a0

   (gdb) print &myRec.field2
   $4 = (int) 0x804a3a8

Notice that field2 starts 8 bytes after the start of field1, not just 5 as you might expect.

Using this kind of exploration with gdb, we can discover the actual offsets of all the fields of any struct, and use that information to then define constants for our assembly code, thus:

   ; Offsets for fields in struct rec.
   %define FIELD1_OFFSET 0
   %define FIELD2_OFFSET 8
For this project, you will add the following to your assembly code, replacing the "???" with actual numbers you got from exploring the struct book struct much as we did with the struct rec in the example above.
   ; Offsets for fields in struct book.
   %define AUTHOR_OFFSET ???
   %define TITLE_OFFSET ???
   %define SUBJECT_OFFSET ???
   %define YEAR_OFFSET ???

Once we have discovered and defined the offset values, we can use them in our assembly code to access the individual fields in any struct of that type. For example, if the ESI register holds the address of an instance of struct book, then [ESI+YEAR_OFFSET] can be used to reference the year field of the struct. Similarly, [ESI+ECX+SUBJECT_OFFSET] can be used to access the i-th character of the subject string where the value of i is stored in ECX.

Selection Sort

In this project, you will also be implementing a simple sorting algorithm: Selection Sort, to sort an array of struct books. The algorithm is described in the following pseudocode:
    selection_sort(VALUE vals[], int count) {
        for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
	    min = i;
            for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++) {
		if (vals[j] LESS THAN vals[min]) {
		    min = j;
	    if (min != i) {
	        SWAP vals[i], vals[min];
In plain English: the algorithm iterates over each position in the list, comparing all elements at that position or after, looking for the lowest value among the remaining elements. It then swaps the lowest found into the current position if it's not already there. It is one of the simplest algorithms, and also requires less swapping, which fits our needs.


You will be writing a mixed-language program, mostly implemented in the C language, that sorts an array of struct books. It will implement the majority of the Selection Sort algorithm, but will call out to a small subroutine to compare each pair of books, which you will write in assembly language.

Your program will be executed with an input file which will be read in from standard input (we will use the shell's I/O redirection to to this, so you will not have to explicitly open any files in your code). A large sample data file is available at:

You need to copy this file into your own directory.

Your C program's first task will be to process the input, filling in an array of struct book structs in memory. The array will be dimensioned to hold a maximum of 100 books. Your program will read in a line at a time, each line comprising a record of a single book. It will continue reading records until either (a) it hits the end-of-file, or (b) it fills the entire array, whichever comes first. Here are a few sample records from the file:

   Breaking Point, Pamela Clare, Romance, 2011
   Vow, Kim Carpenter, Nonfiction, 2012
   1491, Charles C. Mann, Nonfiction, 2006
   Three Weeks with My Brother, Nicholas Sparks, Nonfiction, 2004
(Note that the fields in the records are not in the same order as the fields in your struct--that should not matter.)

Each of the string fields (title, author, subject) in your struct must be null-terminated--that is the reason each is dimensioned as the length limit + 1. So, AUTHOR_LEN, for example, is the actual maximum number of real (i.e., non-null) characters that can be in the author's name, including spaces.

You can use scanf() to read in the fields. Every record is "clean", meaning all fields are present and of the right format. The only place where a comma (',') appears is as a field separator (i.e., it does not appear embedded in a title, author name, etc.). For most of the fields, you can, and should, read directly into the actual field in the struct book. However, there is one complication: The title in the file record might be too large to fit in the space allotted in the corresponding field in the struct. (All other fields are guaranteed to fit.) Here is an example of a too-long title:

   Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling, Fantasy, 2012
This title is 39+1 characters long including the null. We've only allocated 32+1 characters for The title in our struct. If you try to read this title directly into the struct's field, one of two things will happen: Neither of those two options are satisfactory. So, you will have to first temporarily read the title from the file into a buffer large enough to hold all of it (the provided code implies that the title will never be more than 80 characters long, and you can depend on that), and then only copy a limited number of chars into the actual struct field (make sure you set aside room for the null!).

Once you've read in all of the book records, you will sort the books, based primarily on year of publication, oldest year first. For all books published in the same year, you will subsort by title, in alphabetic order (don't be scared--see the Hints section). See the partial sample output below.

You will sort the entries in the array by implementing Selection Sort, as described in the Background section above. Since it is a simple array, iterating over it should be easy. To swap two members, you can take advantage of the fact that struct-to-struct assignment copies the entire contents of the struct. Slightly inefficient, compared to using pointers, but that's why we chose Selection Sort, to reduce the number of swaps.

Within the inner loop of your Selection Sort implementation, you need to compare two records. To do this, your sort implementation must call the assembly routine bookcmp, which you will implement in bootcmp.asm. Since you have not yet learned how to pass parameters in using C's call-by-value mechanism, you will store pointers to the two struct book records you want to compare in global pointers called book1 and book2.

You will implement bookcmp in assembly code, in the file bookcmp.asm. It will look in the global variables book1 and book2 for pointers to the two records to be compared. It will return one of the integer values -1, 0, or +1 in the register EAX, depending on whether book1 is strictly less than, equal to, or greater than book2, respectively.

You will obviously have to implement your C code and assembly code in separate files. You should call the C file sort_books.c, and your assembly file bookcmp.asm. The entry point of your assembly subroutine must be called bookcmp. Your sorting function in sort_books.c must call this bookcmp subroutine. We have not yet learned how C passes its parameters, so for now, your C code should put pointers to the two struct books to be compared in the global pointers "book1" and "book2", so that they can be accessed easily from the assembly code. Thus, one of your first instructions in bookcmp should be (after any required saving of registers with PUSH):

        mov     ebx, [book1]
        mov     ecx, [book2]
Now, EBX and ECX will contain pointers to the two struct books to be compared, and you can use indexed addressing modes on these.

At the end of your program, you will print out all of the books in sorted order, in the exact same format as the original input.

When you build your program, you must compile or assemble each source file separately:

   linux2% gcc -m32 -ansi -Wall -g -c sort_books.c
   linux2% nasm -f elf -g bookcmp.asm
   linux2% gcc -m32 sort_books.o bookcmp.o -o sort_books
(We will provide a Makefile template appropriate for this project in the same directory as sort_books.c.)

Then, you can run the executable sort_books.out file produced. A sample run should look like:

   linux2% ./sort_books.out < books.dat
   Dead until Dark, Charlaine Harris, Fantasy, 2001
   Three Weeks with My Brother, Nicholas Sparks, Nonfiction, 2004
   1491, Charles C. Mann, Nonfiction, 2006
   Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer, Romance, 2007
   New Moon, Stephenie Meyer, Romance, 2007
   <... more output here>

Note: The graders will use a different data file to test your program from what is provided with this project spec. You are encouraged to modify the data file yourself to check additional cases.

Implementation Notes/Hints

What to Submit

Before you submit your program, record a sample run of your program using the UNIX script command. You should show your program sorting the data file that we provided.

Use the UNIX submit command on the GL system to turn in your project. You should submit three files: (1) the C source code that implements the sorting, in a file named sort_books.c, (2) your assembly language code impementing the bookcmp function, named as bookcmp.asm, and (3) the typescript file of your sample run. The UNIX command to do this should look something like:

    submit cs313_park proj4 sort_books.c bookcmp.asm typescript