CMSC 313 Project 4

Bit Twiddling

Assigned Monday, March 28
  11:59pm, Wednesday, April 6th
Points 50 points
see project handout

Completing this assignment should further your proficiency in:
  1. editing, compiling, testing, using makefiles, and debugging C programs under Unix
  2. writing C code to manipulate the bit representation of integers
  3. handling signed (twos-complement) and unsigned integers
Project Description
In this project you will solve 9 puzzles that require you to write C code to manipulate bits and integers. The project handout describes the puzzles in more detail. More specific project directions can be found in the project's README and in the C source code file bits.c both of which are contained in the project's .tar file found in the course's public directory. This project is also referred to as "the datalab". Tools are provided (dlc, btest and so that you can verify the correctness of your code while working on the project. You'll be able to calculate your grade before submitting your project.
Getting started
Read the project handout. Copy the file datalab-hendout.tar from the course'spublic directory (/afs/ to your working directory for project 4. Unpack the file using the command tar xvf datalab-handout.tar. This command will deposit several files in your directory including a README file. Read the README file. The only file you will be changing is bits.c which contains directions in its comments. Read the comments in bits.c.
When you're done and ready to hand in your finished submission, don't forget to submit your work using the makefile provided. See the project handout for more details.