UMBC CMSC 313 Debugger Homework
UMBC Computer Organization and Assembly Language

CMSC313 Debugger Homework -- Due 28 Feb


Assembly and run the following program using the debugger. Get the contents from the specified register. Pay attention and make no assumptions.


;; Using the debugger, what is the value of the indicated register after the 
;; instruction on that line of code is executed?  
;; Record all values as eight hexadecimal digits.
;; Cut and paste your answers and store it in a text file.
;; Turn the text file in use the Blackboard Digital Dropbox.
;; Name:  ______________________
;; Email: ______________________
;; 1.  _____________________
;; 2.  _____________________
;; 3.  _____________________
;; 4.  _____________________
;; 5.  _____________________
;; 6.  _____________________
;; 7.  _____________________
;; 8.  _____________________
;; 9.  _____________________
;; 10. _____________________
;; 11. _____________________
;; 12. _____________________
;; 13. _____________________
;; 14. _____________________
;; 15. _____________________
;; 16. _____________________
;; 17. _____________________
;; 18. _____________________

section .data
aByte	DB	44h
aWord	DW	4455h
aDWord	DD	99887766h

section .bss

section .text
    global main                       ;must be declared for linker (ld)

main:                                 ;tell linker entry point

;; put your code here
	mov	bl, [aByte]		; 1.  eax = ______________________

	shr	ebx, 1			; 2.  eax = ______________________

	mov	bx, word [aWord]	; 3.  eax = ______________________

	shl	ebx, 1			; 4.  eax = ______________________

	mov	eax, [aDWord]		; 5.  eax = ______________________

	mov	ah, [aByte]		; 6.  eax = ______________________

	mov	ebx, eax		; 7.  ebx = ______________________
	mov	bh, 0FFh		; 8.  ebx = ______________________

	mov	ax, bx			; 9.  eax = ______________________

    	mov	bl, ah			; 10. eax = ______________________

	mov	ebx, 0			; 11. ebx = ______________________

	mov	eax, [aDWord]		; 12. eax = ______________________

	not	eax			; 13. eax = ______________________

	mov	eax, dword [aDWord] 	; 14. eax = ______________________

	neg	eax			; 15. eax = ______________________

	mov	ax, [aWord]		; 16. eax = ______________________

	rol	ax, 1			; 17. eax = ______________________

	mov	cl, 3

	shl	ax, cl			; 18. eax = ______________________

        mov     ebx,0   ;successful termination of program
        mov     eax,1   ;system call number (sys_exit)
        int     0x80    ;call kernel