Project Submission

Projects are submitted electronically using the submit command. The general form of the submit command for this class is
       submit cs202 <ProjectName> <Files>
where ProjectName is "Proj1", "Proj2", "Proj3", etc. (without the quotes) and Files is a list of files to be submitted for grading separated by blanks. For example,
     submit cs202 Proj3
Projects may be submitted as often as you like prior to the final deadline. Only the last project you submit will be graded. The latest date and time of any file you submit will be used to determine if late penalties are deducted.

Other submit related commands include

  1. submitls which you can verify that your files were submitted. The general form of the submitls command for this class is
    	submitls cs202 <ProjectName>
  2. submitrm which can be used to remove previously submitted files. The general form of the submitrm command for this class is
    	submitrm cs202 <ProjectName> <FileName>
For more information, see the UCS project submission system web page.