Tips for Success in CMSC 202

  1. Attend Class - Material on the exams can (and will) come from the textbook, lecture notes, in-class material, labs, and Projects. If you miss class you will be at a disadvantage for the exams! Also, clarifications on the Project descriptions are often given in-class.
  2. Keep your Textbook Handy - Bring your text to lab, to class, to anywhere you plan on writing code! Even top programmers always keep a manual around to refer to when programming. Don't expect to be able to write everything straight from your brain without a reference (except on a test...)! Don't assume that everything you need to know to solve a problem was presented in class or is in the lecture notes (HINT, HINT)!!!
  3. Read Carefully - Project descriptions are not intended to be tricky but each sentence is important - don't skip anything!
  4. Memorize the Coding Standard - just get used to it. For the rest of your professional career you will have to modify your code to meet one company standard or another, so start early and adhere to the standard now. Your instructor/TA will not argue the merits of the standard with you, nor the point penalties. Develop your code following the standard from the start and there will be less "reformatting" later.
  5. Start Early - don't wait until the second week of the Project to start coding - aim to finish your design in the first 3 days or so and then begin writing code. The average programmer produces about 100 lines of working, tested, releasable code each week. Your Projects are estimated at around 200 lines of code - and you're not even working full time! Don't be afraid to spend more than 15 hours on a Project, we know that's how long it might take!
  6. Learn Eclipse - Eclipse is a powerful IDE that can be very helpful when developing code. It will give you hints and point out errors. It compiles code as you go. It can run your code. It can create JavaDoc with the push of a button.
  7. Review the Resources page - We've taken extra time to put together a list of helpful resources - when you have questions, try there first, they have probably already been answered!
  8. Ask Questions - if you can't find the answer to your question anywhere else, then PLEASE ask in class or lab, email your instructor or TA, go to office hours, or go to the Help Center - we're here to help!