UMBC CMSC 202 CSEE | 202 | current 202

The CMSC 202 Zoo

The zoo heirarchy

The Animal (Base) class

Code is included here for presentation purposes only.
NO, you're not allowed to do this in your projects.
YES, you will lose lots of points if you do it.
YES, we'll discuss this in a later class. class Animal { public: Animal ( ) { m_name = "no name"; m_nrLegs = 0; } Animal ( const string& name, int legs) : m_name ( name ), m_nrLegs( legs ) { } // virtual destructor virtual ~Animal ( ) { } virtual void Speak ( ) const { cout << "Good Morning" << endl; } const string& GetName ( ) const { return m_name; } int GetNrLegs ( ) const { return m_nrLegs;} void SetName (const string& name) { m_name = name; } void SetNrLegs (int legs) { m_nrLegs = legs;} private: string m_name; int m_nrLegs; };

A Dog class

class Dog: public Animal { public: Dog( ) : Animal("dog", 4), breed("dog") { } Dog(const string& name, const string& breed) : Animal( name, 4 ), m_breed( breed ) { } virtual ~Dog( ) { } virtual void Speak( ) const { cout << "Bow Wow"; } void SetBreed(const string& breed) { m_breed = breed; } const string& GetBreed( ) const { return m_breed; } // overloading Speak( ) void Speak(int n) const { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) Speak(); } private: string m_breed; };

A Whale

class Whale : public Animal { public: Whale ( ) { } Whale(const string& name) : Animal( name, 0 ) { } virtual ~Whale ( void ) { } };

A small Zoo program

int main ( ) { Dog aDog ("Fido", "mixed"); Whale aWhale ("Orka"); aDog.Speak( ); // "Bow Wow" aDog.Speak( 4 ); // Dog's overloaded Speak( ) aWhale.Speak( ) ; // Animal's Speak( ) -- inherited Animal *zoo[ 3 ]; zoo[0] = new Animal; zoo[1] = new Dog ("Max", "Terrier"); zoo[2] = new Whale; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { cout << zoo[a]->GetName( ) << "says "; zoo[a] -> Speak( ); // dynamic binding -- polymorphism cout << endl; } return 0;

Last Modified: Monday, 28-Aug-2006 10:16:04 EDT