Exercises for the student

The following exercises are representative of questions found on the exam.
  1. Given the following declarations and code, answer these question
    1. What type of variable is dog?
    2. What type of variable is cat? (no, not "arrayPtr").
    3. Draw the picture of memory that results from this code
    typedef int* intPtrArray[ 3 ]; typedef intPtrArray* arrayPtr; arrayPtr cat; int *dog; dog = new int; *dog = 42; cat = new intPtrArray; cat[ 0 ] = dog; cat[ 1 ] = 0; cat[ 2 ] = new int; *(cat[ 2 ]) = 17;
  2. Draw the picture of memory that results from the following code char *fischer; fischer = new char[ 3 ]; fischer[ 0 ] = 'p'; fischer[ 1 ] = 'k'; fischer[ 2 ] = '4';
  3. Draw the picture of memory that results from the following code struct soprano { int x; char ch[ 3 ]; } typedef soprano* alto[5]; soprano *jane; alto *joe; jane = new soprano; jane->x = 1; jane->ch[ jane->x ] = 'g'; joe = new alto; joe[ 0 ] = new soprano; joe[ 0 ]->ch[ 2 ] = 'q'; joe[ 3 ] = jane;

Last Modified: Monday, 28-Aug-2006 10:16:04 EDT