UMBC CMSC 202 CSEE | 202 | current 202

Project 2

A Heap of Trouble

Posted: Monday 2/18/02
Design Document Due Date: design2.txt is due before midnight, Sunday 2/24/02
Project Due Date: Before midnight, Sunday 3/3/02


Project Description

We are going to assume that we are using an operating system where the request for dynamic memory from the heap is quite costly; i.e., a call to new is time consuming. Therefore, we would like to make such requests as infrequently as possible. This can be done by requesting a "chunk" of memory all at once rather than small pieces of memory frequently.

This method will certainly reduce the frequency of calls to new, but we must now have a method for managing the memory "chunk." We must in effect manage our own heap.

We will manage our heap by storing it as a heap object. That is, we will define a heap class where the heap is an array. Each element of the heap will be a structure that can store a single character (the data field) and an integer (the pointer field). Here is the Heap class definition that we will use:

const int NULLCELL = -1; // Indicates a null cell pointer struct HEAP_CELL { // Contents of an individual heap cell char data; // The cell's data int next; // A pointer to the next free heap cell }; class Heap { public: Heap(int size = 10); // default constructor ~Heap(); // destructor int newCell(); // returns the index of the next free cell or NULLCELL void freeCell(int i); // gives the indicated cell back to the heap void setData(int i, char c); // store a character in the indicated cell void setNext(int i, int p); // store a "next" pointer in the indicated cell char getData(int i) const; // retrieve the indicated cell's data int getNext(int i) const; // retrieve the indicated cell's "next" pointer int getHeapSize() const; // retrieve the heap size int getNumCellsFree() const; // retrieve the number of free cells int getFreeListPtr() const; // retrieve the heap head pointer private: HEAP_CELL *theHeap; // dynamically allocated array of cells (the heap) int heapSize; // the number of cells in the heap int numCellsFree; // the number of free heap cells int freeListPtr; // index of the first free heap cell int resize(); // utility function to resize the heap }; Let's take a look at the data members of the Heap class. The heap itself is the dynamically allocated array theHeap. The data member heapSize holds the current size of the heap (i.e., number of elements). numCellsFree indicates the number of cells (elements) that are currently available for use; that is, they do not contain data. The last data member, freeListPtr, is used to maintain a linked list of unused heap cells.

Given the above Heap class definition, a client program can manipulate a linked list of characters. It can do so by asking the heap for the index of the next free cell (a call to newCell). It can also return a node to the heap (a call to freeCell). The contents of a specific list node can be manipulated via the setData and setNext member functions. More detailed documentation for each of the member functions can be found in the actual class header file that is provided for you (see "Further Specification" below).

Note the constant NULLCELL. This constant is used to indicate a null pointer. For example, if the heap has no more free cells, freeListPtr should be set to NULLCELL. Likewise, the last node in the heap's linked list of free cells should contain a "next" pointer whose value is NULLCELL.

Also notice the resize utility function. Your newCell function should request another "chunk" of memory from the system when your heap is full. That is, it should resize array theHeap by some constant number of elements. This way, function newCell returns NULLCELL only when the system heap is out of memory. For example, if the current heap size is 12 and the heap is full, a request for another heap cell should increase the size of the heap by, say, 5. The request for a heap cell can then be fulfilled, with a resulting heap size of 17 and 4 free heap cells remaining.

Further Specification

  1. You will be provided with the class definition for the Heap class and a test driver (main function). Note that the test driver may not be the one that is used by the graders, so test the code that you write thoroughly. You can find the completely documented Heap class definition and test driver in my pub directory: /afs/ /afs/ You will be writing the code for the following:

  2. Your resize member function must use a resize size of 5 elements. Make this a constant in your Heap class implementation (heap.C) file.

  3. Your program should accept two command line arguments. The first argument is the file containing the characters to be read and inserted into the linked list. The second argument is the initial heap size. For example, an invocation of Proj2 chars.dat 7 read from the input file chars.dat and gives the heap an initial size of 7 elements.


You may assume the following:

Sample Runs

Here are some sample runs using a data file called chars.dat that contains the following characters:

abcdefghij Sample runs: linux1[1]% Proj2 chars.dat 10 After instantiation: heap size = 10 number cells free = 10 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 10 number cells free = 0 free list pointer = -1 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 10 number cells free = 10 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[2]% Proj2 chars.dat 11 After instantiation: heap size = 11 number cells free = 11 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 11 number cells free = 1 free list pointer = 10 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 11 number cells free = 11 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[3]% Proj2 chars.dat 12 After instantiation: heap size = 12 number cells free = 12 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 12 number cells free = 2 free list pointer = 10 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 12 number cells free = 12 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[4]% Proj2 chars.dat 9 After instantiation: heap size = 9 number cells free = 9 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 14 number cells free = 4 free list pointer = 10 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 14 number cells free = 14 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[5]% Proj2 chars.dat 5 After instantiation: heap size = 5 number cells free = 5 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 10 number cells free = 0 free list pointer = -1 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 10 number cells free = 10 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[6]% Proj2 chars.dat 4 After instantiation: heap size = 4 number cells free = 4 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 14 number cells free = 4 free list pointer = 10 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 14 number cells free = 14 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[7]% Proj2 chars.dat 1 After instantiation: heap size = 1 number cells free = 1 free list pointer = 0 After list creation: heap size = 11 number cells free = 1 free list pointer = 10 The list: a b c d e f g h i j After list deallocation: heap size = 11 number cells free = 11 free list pointer = 9 The list: List is empty linux1[8]%

Error Handling

Your program, and ALL programs in this class, must handle the following errors:

If any of the first three errors occur, send a message to the user (via cerr) and exit the program. We will learn other error handling techniques later in the semester. For the last error regarding dynamic storage, if the system heap runs out of storage, member function newCell should return NULLCELL. The CreateList function should detect this, print an "Out of heap space" message, and stop adding nodes to the list of characters. Do not exit the program.

Other Notes

Your program, and ALL programs in this class, should always follow these rules:

Project Make File

You are required to submit a make file with this project. The grader should simply need to type "make" and your project should compile and link to an executable called Proj2. The grader should also have the ability to do a "make clean" and "make cleanest."

See the 202 Syllabus for links to more information on make files.


The grade for this project will be broken down as follows:

Project Submission

You must use separate compilation for this project. You should submit the following files: DO NOT SUBMIT proj2.C or heap.H. The graders will use their own copies.

Submit as follows:

submit cs202_01 Proj2 heap.C listmanip.C listmanip.H Makefile The order in which the files are listed doesn't matter.

You can check to see what files you have submitted by typing

submitls cs202_01 Proj2

More complete documentation for submit and related commands can be found here.

Remember -- if you make any change to your program, no matter how insignificant it may seem, you should recompile and retest your program before submitting it. Even the smallest typo can cause compiler errors and a reduction in your grade.

Last Modified: Monday, 18-Feb-2002 22:29:55 EST