UMBC CMSC 202 Fall '00 CSEE | 202 | 202 F'00 | lectures | news | help

Lecture Schedule

Stern Warning: These notes are intended to supplement your own lecture notes. They are not a substitute for attending class.

Note: Required reading must be completed BEFORE the discussion section that covers that material.

Projects are due before midnight on Sunday nights.

Week M/T Lecture W/Th Lecture Required Reading/Discussion Topic Assignments
1 No class None No discussion
2 None Recursion No discussion H1 out
3 Recursion (cont'd) Searching and Sorting C++ Basics (Ch 2-5) P1 out, H1 due
4 Searching and Sorting Asymptotic Analysis Classes and Objects (Ch 6-7) Q1
5 Intro. to Problem Solving (Problem 1) Problem 1 (cont'd) Makefiles and Preprocessor (Ch 17) P1 due, H2 out
6 - EXAM 1 - Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Operator Overloading (Ch 8) H2 due, P2 out, Q2
7 Lists, Stacks and Queues Lists, etc. (cont'd) Inheritance (Ch 9)
8 Problem 2 Problem 2 (cont'd) Virtual Methods and Polymorphism (Ch 10) P2 due, H3 out, Q3
9 Pointers and Dynamically Sized Data Structures Pointers (cont'd) Stream I/O (Ch 11) H3 due, P3 out
10 Problem 3 Problem 3 (cont'd) Templates (Ch 12) Q4
11 - EXAM 2 - Trees Exceptions (Ch 13) P3 due, H4 out
12 Trees (cont'd) Hash Tables Strings (Ch 19) H4 due, P4 out, Q5
13 Hash Tables (cont'd) T H A N K S G I V I N G Students' choice
14 Problem 4 Problem 4 (cont'd) Standard Template Library (Ch 20) P4 due, H5 out, Q6
15 Advanced Topics (TBA) Advances Topics (cont'd) Standard C++ Additions (Ch 21) H5 due
16 Problem 5 Problem 5 (cont'd) Students' choice
F I N A L   E X A M S

CSEE | 202 | 202 F'00 | lectures | news | help