Script started on Wed Mar 3 14:55:26 1999 No match [48]retriever[edelman] g++ thing2.C tmain2.C -o thing2G ld: WARNING 84: /usr/lib32/ is not used for resolving any symbol. [49]retriever[edelman] thing2G default constructor called - object located at0x7fff2ed0 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 0; in order flag = 0 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 1; in order flag = 0 0 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 2; in order flag = 0 0 1 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 3; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 4; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 5; count = 5; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 Create W default constructor called - object located at0x7fff2ef0 thing location =0x7fff2ef0 size = 5; count = 5; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 append to Z thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 10; count = 6; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 100 thing location =0x7fff2ef0 size = 5; count = 5; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 watch again thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 10; count = 6; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 100 copy constructor called - object created at 0x7fff2f10foo1 does nothing interesting destructor of object at location 0x7fff2f10 thing location =0x7fff2ed0 size = 10; count = 7; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 100 100 thing location =0x7fff2ef0 size = 5; count = 4; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 copy constructor called - object created at 0x7fff2f10in foo2 copy constructor called - object created at 0x1003e438leaving foo2 destructor of object at location 0x7fff2f10 thing location =0x7fff2ef0 size = 10; count = 7; in order flag = 0 0 1 2 3 4 100 100 0 1 2 destructor of object at location 0x7fff2ef0 destructor of object at location 0x7fff2ed0 [50]retriever[edelman] exit [51]retriever[edelman] script done on Wed Mar 3 14:56:03 1999