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Project Five

Mini Renju

out Thursday 11/21/96
due Tuesday 12/10/96
    at Midnight


The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience writing an interactibe program with a command line interface, using scanf for input, and using arrays.

Your assignment

Write a program to play "mini-Renju", a game loosely based on the Japanese game of five-in-a-row or Renju .

The game will be played on a grid of 10 by 10 intersections with black or white stones placed on the intersections. Play alternates between one player who starts the game (Black, by Renju convention) and another player (White). A player can place a stone on any empty intersection. The first player to get an unbroken line of three stones whether vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, wins the game.

The commands

Your command-line interface should be able to handle the following commands

Representing the board

Use a 10x10 array of integers with 0 representing an empty intersection, -1 for a black stone and +1 for a white stone.

Or maybe the center part of a 16x16 board?

Is the game over?

One thing your program will have to do is to recognize when it has won or its oponent has won or if there are no more moves that can be made. How can you tell if the last stone that was played results in a win?

Check if any line of four stones of the same color go through it. There are only sixteen possibilites to check.

For example, consider the following algorithm:

What's a good move?

Possible heuristics, in order of increasing power:
  1. Randomly try intersections until you find one that is empty.
  2. Remember the location of the last stone you played and that your opponent played. Try to play a stone adjacent to your last mark if possible. If not, play next to the last stone your opponent's.
  3. Place a stone to block a winning move by your opponent. If there are none, place a stone to lengthen your longest run.

Total Quality Management

How to test your program. How we will test your program. How we will evaluate your program.



Be sure to check this section from time to time for comments, hints and clarifications added after the initial release of this assignment. [an error occurred while processing this directive] Friday, 03-Jan-1997 12:27:57 EST