# File: design1.txt # Author: YOUR NAME HERE # Date: DATE GOES HERE # Section: N/A # E-mail: YOUR_USERNAME@umbc.edu # Description: # DESCRIPTION GOES HERE MIN_NUM = 1 # minimum number allowed MAX_NUM = 100000 # maximum number allowed PERF = "Perfect" # return values for checkForPerfect function ABD = "Abundant" DEF = "Deficient" ###################################################################### # printGreeting() explains the program to the user # Input: none # Output: none (prints greeting) ###################################################################### # getValidInt() reprompts the user until they enter a number # between a minimum and maximum (inclusive) # Input: minn; integer of lower accepted range # maxx; integer of upper accepted range # Output: newInt; integer between minn and maxx inclusive ###################################################################### # isOdd() calculates whether num is odd or not # Input: num; an integer we're checking for oddness # Output: numIsOdd; a Boolean that says if num is odd # (returns True if odd, False if even) def main(): # print the greeting to the user printGreeting() # get the number range from the user getValidInt() x2 # before we start printing the number info, print the table head printTableHead() # print out all of the numbers and their properties while (from starting number to end): # get if the current number is odd, prime, perfect, [PUT MORE HERE] isOdd() isPrime() checkForPerfect() # etc... [TO BE COMPLETED BY YOU] main()