UMBC CS 201, Spring 02
UMBC CMSC 201 Spring '02 CSEE | 201 | 201 S'02 | lectures | news | help


Example: The Cookbook

A good everyday example of modularity can be found in a cookbook. Let's say we want to make Boston Cream style doughnuts. These are the ones with that great vanilla cream filling and the chocolate icing on top. If we look up the recipe for Boston Cream doughnuts, it will give us the ingredients and instructions for baking the cake part of the doughnut. The recipe will go on to say :
The recipe for Very-Vanilla Custard is a module and so is the recipe for Deep-Dark Chocolate Frosting. The cookbook could have given all of the ingredients and instructions for making these things as part of the Boston Cream Doughnut recipe. By making these recipes be independent modules, many other recipes can also use them. For instance, now the cookbook can refer to the recipe for Deep-Dark Chocolate Frosting as the frosting for chocolate cake.

Definition of a Module

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines a module as :

  • A standardized, often interchangeable component of a system or construction that is designed for easy assembly or flexible use: a sofa consisting of two end modules.
  • A unit of education or instruction with a relatively high teacher-to-student ratio, in which a single topic or a small section of a broad topic is studied for a given period of time.
  • (In Computer Science.) A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program.

    Functions as Modules

    So functions can be used as modules. They are the building blocks of programs. The modular approach can also save us time and effort in the longrun. If we strive to write functions that are very general in nature, then we may be able to reuse the function in some other project that requires solving some similar problem. Here is an example of a very general and reusable function.

    /*GetValidInt gets an integer from the user between */ /*specified minimum and maximum values, and will */ /*reprompt the user until it gets one that is valid.*/ /* */ /*Inputs: min and max, the minimum and maximum */ /* (inclusive) values for the entered integer */ /*Outputs: returns an integer between min and max, */ /* inclusively */ int GetValidInt(int min, int max) { /* is set greater than max so the loop will be entered*/ int input = max + 1; while( input < min || input > max ) { printf("Please enter an integer between"); printf(" %d and %d : ", min, max); scanf("%d", &input); } return input; }

    CSEE | 201 | 201 S'02 | lectures | news | help

    Sunday, 17-Feb-2002 17:31:06 EST