The deadline for submitting Project 1 is midnight September 25th, 1996 (Wednesday). You are allowed to submit your project upto five days late (i.e. project 1 will be accepted till midnight September 30th, 1996 (Monday)). However, for each day that the project is late, 20% of the grade (score) you obtained for the project, will be subtracted from your grade. For example :
If you obtained a 90 on the project :

1. DAY LATE - GRADE = 90 - .2 * 90 = 72.
2 DAYS LATE - GRADE = 90 - .4 * 90 = 54.
3 DAYS LATE - GRADE = 90 - .6 * 90 = 36.
4 DAYS LATE - GRADE = 90 - .8 * 90 = 18.
5 DAYS LATE - GRADE = 90 - 1 * 90 = 00.

Projects submitted more than five days late will not be evaluated.