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CMSC201 Quizes and Examinations

Quiz One -- in class on Tuesday 9/24/96

A set of sample questions is available. Virtually all of the questions on the quiz will be selected from this sample set, perhaps with some minor rewording.

The questions and their answers from the evening lecture are available.

Mid-term examination -- in class on Tuesday, 10/22/96

A set of sample questions is available. Virtually all of the questions on the exam will be selected from this sample set, perhaps with some minor rewording.

Quiz Two -- in class on Thursday, 11/14/96.

You can access the current question bank here : Fall'96 Quiz 2 question bank

You can access some sample quizes from past semesters as quiz2 and quiz2and quiz2.

Final -- 6-8:00 12/17 (Dr.Finin's section), 10:30-12:30 12/19 (Dr.Turner's section)

A set of sample questions is available. Virtually all the questions on the final will be selected from the question bank, with some modifications.
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Thursday, 12-Dec-1996 12:02:45 EST