Notes from Dr. Gibson's class on Vending Machine BRAINSTORMING ** **************** Things the program needs to have: * Lists to store the details: -- Multiple lists, one for name, price, quantity, etc. where the indexes match up (so everything at index 0 is related: name[0], price[0], qty[0]) -- 2D list, which is a list of lists, similar to the above Things the program needs to know: * Position, price, etc. of each item * What snacks are where Things the program needs to be able to do: * Updating the quantity * "Loyalty program" (or jamming) * Measure/determine coins or dollars * Get the user choice * Give change * Restocking -- Overall "fullness" of the machine as a whole -- How to "call" the repairman * Print/show contents of machine to user INCREMENTAL DEVELOPMENT ** ************************** 1. Store/get data (snack name, price, etc.) 2. Be able to print data -- printSnacks() ----> Test at this point, make sure printSnacks() works 3. Be able to accept input -- getUserSelection() ----> Test at this point, make sure it only accepts valid input 4. Get money from the user ... etc.